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    It was Val Kilmer, not Brad Pitt.

    Are those people in the first image actually shaved gorillas?

    Best laptop ever........for me to poop on!

    So all these people they keep letting go from prison because of DNA evidence probably should stay locked up?

    There have been booth babes for many decades now, it's a convention thing. Sex sells and the people are buying. They don't do it for the purpose of exploitation, they do it as a marketing technique to draw attraction to their product. It must be working!

    I wonder if this is real. If it is, then looks pretty close to 16:9 to me.

    'TV Indian' is an offensive term.

    What's up with the racial segregation?

    I love how any post about google glasses brings out the apple defence force. It's so funny because it's going to be hard as hell, impossible even, to spin that apple was first on this one.

    He should have done like David Cross and Jon Benjamin and jewed them UP.

    In point #17 it comes off as though the author is calling the handicapped person a fool. Seems kind of a mean thing to say.

    Action trip should have had a spoiler alert.

    Basically it means he wasn't a douchebag.

    It's 'buses'.

    I must say, he seems to have the Willis grimace down fairly well in that promo shot.

    I love 'Rant' but it leaves you needing the next book in a very bad way.

    Because Apple hasn't stolen it yet. When they do, I guarantee the love will flow.

    Why does it look like the staff is celebrating a giant fart?

    How the fuck does this guy get a star. Gizmodo has been taken over by asshats.

    Probably the same reason you started calling them 'freedom fries'.