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    Be quiet, dummy.

    It's simple yet very effective advice in many areas of life. When one of my minions comes to me to tattle on another I always remind them the best employees are the ones who come to work, do their job well and don't worry about what the other guy is doing. If you keep that up you will move ahead while the others get

    Yes, from a design point-of-view there is nothing wrong with the logo. It's simple, fairly elegant, aesthetically pleasing and easily recognizable. Unlike....

    I think Sony should sue Warner bros. over this film and how much liberty they took when they ripped off God of War. I honestly think Sony has a strong case just on Chronos alone.

    I love Selma Blair. If she ever needs a guy on the side, tell her to send me a perfumed letter of acceptance.

    I remember my uncle having Super Mario Bros. in a Vs. cabinet in his arcade quite a bit before the NES was released in the US.

    That's actually pretty damn funny. I literally grew up in an arcade and I remember my cousin and I playing games using the profanity function. It was super effective.

    He's a robot that wants to be a real boy. I might be mixing that up with pinocchio...

    I thought paying out $8000 in fines and other costs is what happens when you drink and drive.

    Yeah, I'd rather put mustard gas through shower heads in large rooms full of innocent people then have to pay for all my movies.

    I have a feeling that if someone shot the Woz in the kneecap he would commend them on their great aim and then complement the quality of the gun. The guy just never has a bad thing to say about anyone, ever. If only more people had such a good attitude.

    I get the feeling this guy wants to be the Glenn Beck of Gizmodo.

    That means they're inferior and too compressed.

    I don't understand why people would want a inferior version of a movie they can't loan to their friends nor trade or sell for goods or cash. I guess because people are dumbasses that don't know the value of a dollar.

    It's well known that apple has a long history of making deals with schools and the entertainment industry to get their hardware put on display.

    I still have an iPad 1 and I'm going to wait for a windows 8 tablet later this year. I don't have a Mac and I want my tablet and pc to work together well. Plus most of the apps on my iPad just sit there dormant because most of the stuff I use them for I can do just fine through safari.

    To me, this proves that GPS has inherent issues that need to be dealt with. Lightsquared gets a bad rap for the problems their equipment causes with existing GPS, but I think John Deere and the other GPS elite need to upgrade they're equipment just like Lightsquared is claiming.

    I'm sure he'll come up with some modern solutions to problems that don't exist.

    What average file sizes are you ending up with from bluray rips? I'm really wondering about rips that are very hard to discern from the original in both visual and audial quality.