
What does any of this have to do with abortion? Seriously does abortion keep pedophiles from molesting kids? Do fetuses in the womb commit violent sexual crimes? I'm sorry you suffered such a horrible childhood but I assure you that pretty much no one religious or not accepts child sexual abuse as morally right or

I'm dealing with a male roommate who sprinkles on the seat every time. I've talked to him about it DOZENS of times. I just said fuck it and started either wiping it off with his towel (got that idea from PostSecret) or his toothbrush. I fucking can't with inconsiderate fools.

Eleven year olds (and really anyone under 16 or so) are automatically at elevated medical risk when pregnant, so yes, I'm glad you were able to have an abortion, since your health was at risk. I think very young mothers should be able to have abortions in the interests of their own health. Also, I'm very sad to hear

The drug test thing is so fucked up. They only do it to poor women - just one more chance to throw poor women in jail, take away their kids, and then go on to crow about being "pro-family." Ugh.

Do you mind if I share it to Groupthink?

Sadly.... I would take a guess to say the number of women who've been raped is a lot more closer to 50% then 20. With mens somewhere around 15% I would guess.

The number is most certainly higher. Possibly by a lot.

Today I went to the hospital due to complaints of severe upper and lower abdominal pain. I am also ten weeks pregnant with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. I told them this as soon as I was admitted. What did I get? Insistence on listening for fetal heart tones even though it was unnecessary and an ultrasound

That might be the problem, lol - I'm an atheist partially because I HAVE read the bible and was so gobsmacked by all the crazy shit in there (Lot's daughters? REALLY?). Meanwhile, my fundie Baptist in-laws are actively encouraged by their pastor NOT to read the bible, bc it's apparently much more godly for them to

I'm an atheist, and I'VE read it. C'mon, folks!

THANK YOU. When I run into anti-abortion bible thumpers I'm like "This is YOUR book, guys - have you even read it? Seriously?"

If you want to see various bits of scripture that reinforce the "life begins at breath" thing, look here.

I don't understand where people get the idea that life begins with conception. Even in the Bible, life begins with breath. First breath is the start of life; last breath is the end of life. The Bible even describes an abortion ritual (Numbers 5:11-31), and abortion caused outside that ritual is considered a crime

a conversation I was privy to- clinic doc "Posative. You're pregnant." Woman- deep exhale. "Ok. Shit. Ok. I want to make an appointment for termination." Doc -" Don't you want to think about that first?" Woman-" What do you think I've BEEN doing?"

I can't stop watching this. Also, it's making me hungry and ashamed of myself for being hungry.

Again, this is so rare as to represent less than 1% of these photos, and you know that as well as I do in spite of your protesting.

It's not that hard.

"Little Big Town, the main attraction for the event, will still perform as scheduled."

I know it's actually a common dog thing, which makes it all the more baffling and wonderful. "THIS CAME OUT OF THE CAT. MUST EAT. DELICIOUS TRUFFLES. NOM NOM."