thanks for the internet rape asshole - I chose not to dismiss you because the almost year I went away I chose to accept the part I had a lot of shit happen in life and you as a hater will likely buy my book coming out in a week - or you have jerked off to the things my dead mother did when I was a kid and since I am…
Say it was ok to get aborted a thing that a RAPIST gave me that time.
yea then the men who marry to molest the kids - what bubble do you live in side you asshole
Right so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
you are a fucking idiot.. and here we go again
Right so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
right I know now after stalking all your posts you are a gay male... get the fuck out of here I just reported your ass to the mods.
Right so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
ight so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
ight so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
ight so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -
hey bitch here i am again
asshole - here I am again...
ight so since you care so much to use a burner - let me give you some more about the situation - I was also videotaped from age five until I ran away at age fifteen - being raped by my step dad - his friends - and occasionally my mother and a few other women and two other young girls -