
*Dr. Dre got his share of three billion dollars or something for selling beats brand to them and his "agency" and "connection" to the "brand" as a Black Man is going to - in the technical sociological analysis - explain quite a bit about why Apple swallowed them into the fold. . .

because "burner accounts be like..." possibly... and before you bitch if I am white or what yea some parts - but I also have enough NativeAmerican genetics to get student loans forgiven, my two kids will not pay for college in the usa anywhere (they have enough blood genetics too for that) and also - I get casino

*that is not what Apple is doing - they tend to err on the side of "conservative caution" and Nicki just decided to push the envelope and NOT ONLY APPLE is censoring the darn album cover by the fucking way...

Hi DangerTits

speaking of burner accounts sir what exactly is this drive by comment thingy you refer to?

cool (insert me being relieved and honored here)

I picture a scene from "Snatch" here. . . anybody?

well fuck me running I guess I am the idiot and owe you an apology - You have my apology and to show further good faith I will follow you here - is that ok? seriously You have my apology it just seemed like an attack and like you said I was the wrong one for saying a thing I said - I mean I do not know miley

no it did not - not at all - but you were really nasty to me

a whole lot more than is suggested by this post you just got mad about while it was not directed at you maybe?

everyone here is frighteningly angry get over it - you said some stupid shit to me girl... sorry if I was supposed to just "take it "

Now playing

really. . . listen bitch - hahahah - I am likely old enough to be your mom so go ahead and get back to your neck bearded wanna be but never going to be boyfriend with benifits (who btw sucks dicks for fun because he thinks it is cool not because he just knows it is ok or because he likes it)

"awwwwwww last time I saw one of those it was on the tip of a pencil"

*nothing for nothing but I would appreciate Miley doing a cover of The Breeders
" Cannon Ball"

*yea a haunted house. . .ectoplasm everywhere - yeahhhhh... NOPE.

*hey wanted to remind you son of god - are you not forgetting something????

It alleges that the accident was staged by Biddle,