I hate to be cliche but Los Angeles. You’ll see a gardener driving around in an immaculate 1994 Corolla. Car culture is serious business here, and it transcends income, race, language, and sex.
I hate to be cliche but Los Angeles. You’ll see a gardener driving around in an immaculate 1994 Corolla. Car culture is serious business here, and it transcends income, race, language, and sex.
But a dustpan and broom...
Hard to be sneaky with a tow truck.
Immigrant cars doing the work that American cars refuse to do.
I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless. This post is the best prize ever! Thanks so much, Andrew!
”chief technical compliance officer Mark Chernoby“
Big ol +1 to all that.
Hey Torch, man, thanks for a bunch of good times here. I’m sorry the site is exploding due to weaponized incompetence, but if it’s any consolation the work you and your colleagues do is great, and I am confident it will soon be recognized by someone who knows how to, say, own and operate a media website.
So everybody in Editorial is mad about this too. Besides the fact that it looks terrible, we have to actually work in Kinja all day long.
I’m guessing he was a decent man so it’s a shame he ended up dying in jail.
FINALLY! GenZ is starting to be blamed for shit going wrong in industries, we’re almost out of the woods fellow millennials!
Tesla is ahead of schedule. They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.
I said it was in New Jersey.
But it doesn’t come with mirrors.
I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.