It’s like the devil agreeing to a deal where he knows he will benefit in the near term. Probably a not-far-off sentiment really.
It’s like the devil agreeing to a deal where he knows he will benefit in the near term. Probably a not-far-off sentiment really.
I bought my Bronco for $32k with tax, because Ford effectively raised prices by$14k, it’s actually worth more than I bought it for still.
We bought up a diesel-gate buyback Mk7 Golf TDI and ran it for about 85k miles, before selling it. Over the course of that ownership period, depreciation was 6k over that period, or 7 cents per mile, and operating costs were as low as 8 cents/mile on the highway to 10.5 cents/mile overall cost. The interior of that…
“But buying the car would likely be a write off”
I don’t know how a fully spec’d out Plaid is comparible to the $95k model I looked at 2 years ago, but RIGHT NOW a Plaid starts at $89k before discounts and tax credits, they were never $140k.
...You want snakes on this plane...smh
Honestly, it’s hard to decide what’s the stupidest thing about the concept, although you make a good point that the refill time is certainly a strong contender.
hey, he took a razor to the pubes he glued to his face.
Interesting, but utterly at odds with traditional RR thinking of not being vulgar. This, is vulgar.
That looks like a god damn possum.
The in-flight entree escaped again :(
Taking a page out of the Henry Ford playbook when it comes to fascism.
Not so much if Scout monopolizes the parts distribution supply chain.
While the USA funds his research, he sells it to Russia.
I missed that when it first came out. Cold gas thrusters? On a car? For actual reals and not a nine-year-old’s concept art for an animated TV series?
If the battery is on fire, it’s already shorted somewhere.
Tesla’s product is their stock. Once you realize this, everything Elon does and says makes sense.