
Used EV credit is for a 2 model year or order, under $25k, from a dealer. And it’s a nonrefundable credit, so you need at least $4k liability.

Self-described Liberal Redneck opinion: I’m all for deleting the tax incentives for EV purchases, but ONLY if every single subsidy given to oil companies, field-corn farmers, and anything else related to ICEs is also deleted at the same time. You say taxpayers shouldn’t have to subsidize EV adoption? I say taxpayers

Perhaps on his way there, he can drop in on the House of Saud and talk to them about what happened to all that cash he borrowed to buy Twitter. I’m sure they won’t have any sharp or pointed comments about getting their money back.

I would think the #1 contributing factor to an automatic transmission failing is being put into a Nissan product.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.

And that’s why I sold my shares a while back. 

225F sounds crazy. I don’t think I have ever seen over 210F in my F150 (6R80). Even towing.

what’s the latest on how to wait red lights? wait on D with foot on brake or move to N? what about getting to full stop, first to N and parking brake, then to P or the other way around?

Stop threatening me with a good time.

I’m starting to think you’re not a real doctor.

I use RadioGarden.

Mostly that’s fine. Except for when there’s a region-limited sports broadcast. I live ~60 miles north of our state capitol - well within reception range of the broadcast radio and TV stations. As soon as the baseball game comes on, iheart blacks out the broadcast because I’m “out of area”.

Meh. Baltimore did it better. Divine ate dogsh*t on set for “Pink Flamingos.”

these wheels require special tools for their installation which

Did the employee suite implode too?

It looks like a neck vulva sometimes.

It totally makes sense to gas engine swap a roadster, you can just buy a Lotus Elise which it’s based on as a parts car and then.... Just stop there and drive the Lotus.

Which is not the case for the Crue.

It wouldn’t be entirely a lie, either. It was the Trump administration that refocused NASA directly on the Moon after the Obama administration redirected it away from Moon-then-Mars to maybe-asteroid. And now it’s being redirected subtly towards not-Moon-instead-Mars, and it’s almost certainly because of the personal

I had never heard this, and it is absolutely insane. The FAA and USAF were just like, “you know what? Fuck OKC and everyone that lives there. Good luck folks!”