
We need a dedicated group of masochists to wade into the Truth Social cesspit and start engineering this. Once you get a few red-hats to agree with you, even a little bit, it can begin to metastasize and it’ll take care of itself from there.

I was on Broad Street when the Phillies won, and it was, as a friend described it, “New Years Eve meets the Tet offensive.”

I would say Nickelback, but Canadian imports are about to become too expensive.

This is correct. Donald Trump only wants things that people more successful than him want. You could convince him that wind turbines are the greatest thing since sliced bread if you could convince Elmo to tell him Canada is “winning at wind.”

Carter also didnt just give them the canal to be nice. It was looking like the u.s. would have to send thousands of troops to maintain control and he decided it wasnt worth it. Panamanians fought for it and won.

RFK Jr would probably buy them?  The less-refrigerated, the better!

Restaurants are taking a beating on egg prices right now. Like $8/dozen wholesale in some places. I’m sure many of them would be happy to pick some up from an alternate supplier.

There are only three regions in PA.

Even Milo Minderbinder isn’t immune to the effects of inflation and bird flu and has to resort to desperate measures

The diesel engine is in back, as well as any counterweights to allow the loader to lift greater weights.

This is Bring a Priest.

They aren’t black-market eggs. They’re now fancy, organic eggs from pasture-raised hens with plenty of room to play and be happy that someone sells on the side of the road to support their independent family farm, and people pay a premium for them.

They are going to be sold through shell companies.


That was basically Boyd Crowder’s MO for robbing banks in Justified

Now don’t you go bringing facts into this. He hates facts.

The only widows that thing will be making is with tetanus.

Problem is a growing number of them recognize AND approve of them!

You’re giving Clarence Thomas an idea...