
Probably the drill is designed to stop once it pierces the outer shell of the battery pack.

Yeah, I read that when it first came out and just sighed. Like, it’s neat and absurd... but it’s also so... so very dumb. Everything about what Dear Elon wants from the new Roadster is just not what I’m looking for. I was really hoping that Lotus would bring it full circle when they announced that they were switching

Even if Tesla ever does release a new Roadster, it won’t be the successor to the original Roadster that I want. The original was still fairly light, small, fast, simple and fun as hell. There is no timeline where the new Roadster isn’t just a two-door Model S with fart cans. Sorry, “cold gas thrusters” or whatever

this is great, need to get some fire stations here to test these out and see if it works on the other brands of EVs.

Looks like it has been sold to someone else, like Gizmodo, Takeout, and Jezabel.

This is assuming these people have shame. In my experience at least 75% do not. If arrest wasn’t an option they would gladly punch or bite people to get on the plane first. 

An impact is definitely a possibility, although of course it’s not one that any of the articles I’ve seen like to bring up because “Boeing”. It’s very hard to determine after that fact, though, since the impactor would’ve likely been something untracked, and even tracked debris isn’t tracked well enough to present a

As some one who is relatively wealthy, with expensive new cars, it would be amazing to get a tax break on car loan interest. Both personally and for my business. This would make me happy for sure.

And after Trump’s tax rewrite, even owning a home doesn’t mean you itemize.

No state has ever been able to prosecuting someone for doing something that is illegal in one state but legal in another state. If this was to be changed the amount of chaos that would arise would be very biggly.

70's certainly. 80's maybe? Used to be all interest was deductible.  Somehow mortgages got exempted, though again, with a reasonable standard deduction you have to have a pretty huge mortgage to make it worthwhile. (so again, the very rich)

So yeah, sounds a lot like something we’d do in the US.

Hey, at least they got a new motto: “If it’s Boeing it’s kabloeing!”

I know that’s what many of them end up buying, but do they really “want” a truck?

Haha, tis but a scratch!

as poorly planned as it was, I would bet that would be the case.


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Maybe some engineer realized it, but most of the Tesla employees left barely even have object permanence, and Elon immediately fired the one engineer who pointed out the issue.

Something I picked up while living in MN and still can’t shake. Although for bonus points, you’ll wanna wave at the house (in case some relative is looking) while driving away. My partner does this and it drives me nuts- ffs, we left already!!