I generally do not judge other’s taste in music, but when I can FEEL your music from two lanes away, and my windows are up, that’s just too loud.
I generally do not judge other’s taste in music, but when I can FEEL your music from two lanes away, and my windows are up, that’s just too loud.
This should be the #1 thing banned. 🤣
Those stick-on fake louvered vents
That’s not a Tesla ad, Tesla doesn’t make a trailer, it’s a third-party accessory.
Well, given that nothing else about this thing makes sense, you are probably right.
Has mElon called every at C&D a bunch of pedos yet?
The lower pressure does indeed make it safer. What your lungs require (and what affects fire risk) is not the absolute pressure of the air but the partial pressure of the oxygen. At sea level, that’s roughly 5 PSI. What you need to live, and what causes fire risk, really doesn’t change much depending on how much…
Dang, you hardly fly your jet at all. :)
The symbolism of Valkyries would have been a bit better as well. It’s not like Vader was victorious, after all.
Correction...’SHOULD have used...’
One of the all time great scenes in American cinema. You feel it through the screen.
It’s all about the partial pressure of oxygen. The Apollo 1 mission I referred to had pure oxygen at > 16 psia bsolute on the pad, to keep a slight outward pressure on the hatch and seals at sea level 14.7 psi. In the normal atmosphere, oxygen is about 3 psi partial pressure. The idea was that they were going to bleed…
ok everyone. That means no more plastic forks. We will all have to switch to paper forks now.
I mean, if he was flying commercial, the planes are already going there. He’s wasn’t chartering a round trip every week
I moved cross country once for far less money, it wouldn’t kill him to just move.
But your thoughts are nice.
My wife grew up riding in VW busses (not a hippy, cheapest thing her parents could get with enough room for 4 kids in the 70s).
Ask her about 5 hour car trips across the length of New Mexico with no AC and going 50 mph (top speed loaded) the whole way.
She laughs when she sees the prices for which these sell today.
Finally, some culture
Savor the peelies.
I can’t tell you how many old Type 2's I had seen broken down on the side of the road back in the day. Or the horror of being stuck behind one on a mountain road. Definitely rose colored glasses on those old buses.