The thing that gets me, are the sharp corners on the tailgate. That's going to be painful hitting that while loading/unloading.
The thing that gets me, are the sharp corners on the tailgate. That's going to be painful hitting that while loading/unloading.
Fun fact, Larson originally gave Norman a few points in the comic, but changed because he thought it sacrilegious to suggest someone could even score a single point against God.
Oh fuck, have fun getting your thigh filleted on the corners of that tailgate. The closer you look, the stupider it gets.
The mitered edges are from the concept. The real world design is a traditional square tailgate joint albeit with larger gaps and poor fit and finish.
Look up a picture of the RC cybertrucks the bed and taillights look to have many compromises.
Hehe. There was one fucker on the other day who didn’t know about the lockout, clearly, because he kept hammering the fucking thing about half way through question and never getting in. Look like someone was running voltage through it. It was super distracting.
Definitely. I think what bothers me more is a glass roof on a pickup truck. Think of how many rear windows on pickups get broken. Now let's make the roof out of it. And yes I know it's done on other Teslas as well, but guess what? They get broken too.
Just don’t put Poupon on your hamberders... Republicans HATE that!
AHS: 1984 is my favorite season for sure, and probably the only one I have no problems with. Low bar though, a few seasons are utter garbage.
as a non-fan, you can choose one or the other...
as a fan, you *have* to have both...
Yeah doesn’t seem like a solution. But maybe hike up the cap anyway to show how appreciated the offer is.
I came here to say the same! Scream Queens was good but he could’t stick the landing at the end like all AHS... except for AHS:1984 which was his best horror series by miles and miles!
there will be enormous challenges in reaching volume production with the Cybertruck
What the fuck is that dashboard supposed to be? An 80s bathroom vanity?
Was this whole thing Grimes’s idea? Was she looking for a weird musical instrument to take on tour?
This is a guy who spent $45bn buying Twitter because he was mad people on there were saying mean things about him, after all.
Exactly. I read that and thought, “There is zero chance that that’s true”.
A good rule of thumb for the internet: always assume there is an obsessive group of nerds out there labouring over any possible interest.
Somewhere in Grand Rapids, a Barbershop Quartet is missing their 1st tenor.
You might encounter the joke that won last year’s contest: Guess who I ran into on the way to the eye doctor? … Everybody!
The console location and height look pretty typical. For $600k I assume it will have bow and transom cameras for docking.