I know he’s probably gonna end up being David or Kerry since he’s the lead, but I’d love to see some curveball casting & have him play Michael Hayes instead (and if the Fabulous Freebirds are somehow not in this movie, what are they even doing?)
I know he’s probably gonna end up being David or Kerry since he’s the lead, but I’d love to see some curveball casting & have him play Michael Hayes instead (and if the Fabulous Freebirds are somehow not in this movie, what are they even doing?)
You're so wrong for that comment. On the other hand, I'm also in total agreement with you.
That is one of the best shows of this century and I will die on this hill. It serves on so many levels. My 10yo likes it as much as my husband and I do.
He’s pretty incredible on Malcolm in the Middle too. It’s a fully unique character on TV, his skills don’t match up with just being a funny sitcom actor.
That joke might have landed if not for the fact she’s with Warner Bros., not Disney. Should we get you an airbag?
Ah, just a promotional stunt for the upcoming Spider-Man vs. MechaSpider-Man.
Hey just because they’re a Disney employee doesn’t give you the right to call them a robot! There’s a very small but very real chance that they’re an every day, normal, regular person.
We call that the “Hungry Archimedes”
I know a kid that watched that movie and died seven days later.
Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s in the Famous Millionaire Sex Symbols Who Smell club along with Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis and whoever. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, I think?
If your burger is so big that you need external structural supports to keep things from shifting between bites, you already fucked up.
Those Dior ads were running DURING THE TRIAL. I was baffled.
If you need a special way to arrange your hand to hold your food, you already fucked up.
Best Supporting Actor: David Letterman. Robbed.
I don’t think that was his intention here. It probably has less to do with his colleagues and more to do with the powers-that-be, dictating what he and his colleagues could even do with the character, themes, and narrative. By the way things played out, he seemed to find an okay middle ground, and that’s only possible…
Ed Wood is the best film of 1994. This is the hill I’ve chosen to die on.
Gump Fiction
“I believe I’m gonna have to get medieval on your buttocks!”
Seeing this movie in the theater, I remember thinking I liked it the first time I saw it, when it was called Being There, and the second time I saw it, when it was called Zelig. When the run across America started, I thought OMG when is this film going to end. And then Jennie dies. Good Lord, what a mediocre pile of…
Nah, the best film of 1994 was the Chris Elliott vehicle “Cabin Boy”.
I will always be a Forest Gump fluffer. Great movie.