Just their wording for supporting actor.
Just their wording for supporting actor.
Featured is just another way of saying “supporting role.” You’re not the lead, but you stand out more than a background character.
More people should know about the Pig War tbh. A great example of cooler heads prevaling.
Ah, that brings me back...
I love beans.
Not gonna lie, at some point a few years back they had some promo where you could buy a JUG of the stuff, and I bought a sealed one on eBay (not sure the prive) and it’s been in my fridge for almost 3 years now, and still tastes fine!
They went to their backyard in 2020 and had to quarantine for two weeks after returning to their house.
Dennis Hopper IS Valerie Solanas!
Two of my favorites
Okay, but I’ll have to get it out of the fridge first.
Guaranteed Rate Field (whose concessions, I might add, far surpass those of Wrigley Field in both quality and price)
..and pour it over some macaroni noodles. Top that with a shitload of shredded cheese and some hot sauce, and your dining companion is none the wiser.
If the show was set in Miami, there would be meth for sure.
Yeah the sour sugar slurry was the good part that you got to once you suffered through eating the actual fruit itself.
Both Joker and Batman share a psychosis! Or it’s just Joker making everyone else as crazy as he is. C’mon, we had the indie mumblecore movie riff lets have crazy arthouse Batman (well, moreso than usual). Anyway only wish is lets have him do Joker stuff for more than 30 min at the end this time, please thanks.
This title sullies the name of the second-best Fall Out Boy record and it will not stand.
I’ve only seen him in Fargo, but he’s absolutely magnetic. I’m looking forward to this (If I can make the time- so much TV!)