
I think you missed his point. Sure, the project was killed twice, but the scope was never properly updated to compete against more modern cars it was supposed to compete with. I really like them when I see one, but I forget they exist the next day.

In your analogy then, the best friends baby was born with downs syndrome after the 2 miscarriages.  You love it only if you were the parents.   The new NSX is an utter failure and piece of shit.  

My argument is not that it took too long and I got frustrated waiting.

“the brand image is shit.”

My issue with the new NSX is that it’s 10 years too late and outclassed by everything it competes with.

How long until Chevy dumps a tool box into an aluminum F150 EV bed and show it piercing the battery pack then catching on fire and exploding. C’mon Mahk.

I usually say Porsche.

That photo unsettles me very, very deeply. Uncanny Valley, the man.

The Fiero’s Canadian speedometer is insufficient due to GM cost cutting. The American Fieros have 140MPH speedos - enough for a Fiero, obviously. The first few years of Canadian ones have 140KPH speedos, which could be exceeded in third gear, let alone fourth. This was finally rectified at the later half of the 1986

“Meaning one branch of govt wasn’t following the other’s laws.”

Every BMW ships from the factory with working turn signals both left and right

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more BRRRRRRT

You’d see it juddering backwards before falling to pieces

That is the problem. I want to drink soda and eat candy as an adult, but since when does wanting something mean it’s the best or even a good choice.

survivability seems low, also the payload. If you are going to send in close in support into harm’s way, why send in a thinly armored plated craft? how is this better than a predator other that putting a pilot at risk? All the A-10 needs is new airframes and avionics.  I can’t see how this would be harder or more

No 30mm BRRRRRRRT, no deal.

Unfortunately, his health insurance doesn’t cover potholes and he now owes $62,950 for the procedure.

Why deeply saddening? Earth has 7.5 billion humans. Dropping back down to 7/6.5 would probably be good for the planet.

It’s going to take me a long, long time to come around on that front end. I appreciate that they swung for the fences, but, man. Catfish vibes.

I thought a “suicide sub” was a fried shrimp, fried oyster, thin-fried catfish, cheese, extra bacon, roast beef gravy, and mayo on french bread.