
Go fuck yourself.

I’ll be that guy. They are usually stolen, so they don’t buy or care about them.

The clientele that own these lack rationale or comprehension to begin with.

Ok what am I missing. Why would you buy dirt bikes and ATV’s if you live in the city to just ride them around illegally? Wouldn’t you want to spend your hard earned money on literally anything else?

Don’t know what the rules are in NY, but in Ontario there’s a max voltage/speed allowed before they are classified as motorcycles (which brings insurance and licensing requirements)

As soon as the weather starts to break in NYC mobs of illegal dirt bike riding assholes start rampaging through the streets. The ride in such great numbers that the NYPD just does nothing. A couple of summers ago these fuckers were tearing ass down my street the wrong way and riding on the sidewalks. I had to yank

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

I always, ALWAYS park as far away from other cars and busy places. It drives my friends absolutely insane. God forbid they have to walk more than 100 feet to anywhere.  Two things people have become allergic to in a single generation, walking and gluten.

It’s a stretch on the grief of ants. It’s more likely that ant species that didn’t rid their colonies of dead ants were eventually overcome with fungus or other disease that caused the deaths

Cats also don’t “meow” to other cats, usually only to their mothers. Perhaps that’s how they view us if they were raised from kittens. Tall, ugly, hairless, stupid moms.

I’ve never ever seen such a thing, that sounds super sketchy

Are these travelling lots a thing?  I’ve never heard of them.

Of course some if them understand. The rest have this attitude:

Cats aren’t really domesticated. They’re still wild animals who have chosen to live in our presence because it makes things easier for them - don’t gotta go hunting when the food is right there in a convenient bowl!

I don’t know about that, my cat has a wide variety of meows and various ways of making small sounds. If I mimic those we seem to be having a convo of sorts. I’ve tried speaking normally when he vocalizes and ‘meowing’ back at other times and the ‘meow’ convos have a longer duration and variety of sounds. It really

There’s also the chance they know their names and don’t care, cause cats are assholes and I love all three of my babies.

Being a well taken care of 1967 GM A-body sets it at a starting price of $10,000 already.
Having a larger Grand Prix drivetrain to drag all that heavy metal around adds another $3,000-5,000 depending. We’ll split the difference and say $4,000, leaving us with $14,000 so far.
The fake GTO badging is annoying, costing

Yeah, a fair observation. If I was going to do only ONE project car from that GM era it would still be a ‘66 Riv with an LS3... which could command that kinda price.

I too kinda dig it but not at that price point. I would also prefer more hot rod it will never be a numbers matching car as it never came from the factory lookin like that.

No. They’re right. Not only do they want to get the Marines to the beach alive, it was considered a good idea for them to still be alive 200 yards inland.