
The PITA recently has been the push to hit people for front windows and windshield tints to fail inspection. My aftermarket exhaust and intake, and excessive uncovered off-road lighting has never been an issue.

Seems like a good method to test potential plans for something much larger...

“ the endless line of players who paid for promised content with promised features get to even try that content...”

Because I believe there are some rules as to putting children’s car seats in the front passenger seat?

You’re a joke.
Those same Insurgents have kept us busy for nearly two decades with our advanced technologies. There are more than 90 million firearm owners, who own more than 200 million firearms and up to a trillion rounds of ammunition privately. There are 1.3 million active duty and 800k reserve military personnel,

I’ve come to accept the old Supra exists, although I don’t believe it’s that great looking of a car. I do comprehend it’s abilities once tapped with the right parts sourced overnight from Japan though.
That being said, this new vehicle is hideous to look at.

“Since the 10% tax doesn’t hit wealthier players harder, or redistribute to the poorer ones, it doesn’t change the underlying economic balance, or lack thereof, in the game.” 

Snowden is a he, moron.

There were so many things on the map at once that it never really seemed like I needed a vehicle. I was a bit bummed that they had fixed the helicopter flying/shooting controls after I had already beaten much of the game and traded it in.

Put offroad wheels on everything. It helps. 

I thoroughly enjoy how everyone here acknowledges the fact that the circle game was hijacked to piss off cry-babies and turn it into a fake-nazi symbol, but still call to arms about how horrible a person the fan is for being an alleged nazi...Within 5 minutes of reading and clicking to post a comment, your critical

I had never even thought of trying to pick one up. Which is surprising to me now that I think of it. 

Anytime I left base in/on(?) Okinawa, I made sure to play this game when I was out and about. It was so much fun on medium/hard difficulty. I wonder how much it would cost to have a unit shipped to Upstate NY.

“Knowingly” implies the intent to be at one of these spectacles on purpose for such an event. Not just walking down the street when someone chirps their tires....

It takes less than 5 minutes to find and read that men have biologically evolved to have denser bones and muscle tissue. Being an ally doesn’t mean you have to make yourself sound like a moron on the internet for invisible and worthless brownie points.

Great critical reading skills....

Way to jump to a conclusion and down someone’s internet-throat. Esport literally means “Electronic Sport(s).” Playing a fucking card game is not electronic. So, go fuck yourself. 

That 2025 model is sort of terrifying.

With the number of full-size truck sales in the U.S. higher than many smaller vehicles, wouldn’t they be considered the norm?

Be warned, those Rigid Adapt bars are insanely expensive. Super cool tech if they actually work as described though!