
What am I going to hear next? That they want build walls to keep neighboring unruly country’s citizens out?

Now they’re copying our intellectual property laws...typical.

A Chinese court ruled in favor of a western company on an IP dispute? I’ve been indoors all day. Has anybody checked the rotation of the earth to make sure it’s still happening?

He doesn’t just have to pay taxes on the sale, you have to pay taxes on the value of the whole vehicle if you receive it as a prize.

That’s a lot of money for your average person to just give away. While it would be a truly generous gift to charity, I can understand why he might want to get something back for it.

They’d have my attention, at the least.

What if they offered it with their 420HP 5.0L V8 from the Kia K9?


Since he’s a hall of fame coach, he’s just intense. If he was a 3rd year coach with an overall losing record, he’s about to be fired. 

My guess? The community will eventually Get Over It.

Yes, they should keep the cat chefs as well. In fact, cat chefs should be in every game.

As a person who really likes dogs - look at the icon, for real, dogfriends are best friends - a situation like TD2's could make that really hard to stick with.

Seems like it would just be easier to state in-game that it’s unknown if wild animals like deer might be carriers of the virus, and there’s no guarantee that cooking it would make it safe. Since there are no gameplay mechanics that involve the player managing their hunger and/or sickness level, it’s not like saying

This sums up all my feelings about the animals in this game. Also not being able to pet dogs in this game is a travesty on par with human trafficking, perhaps worse. What gives, ubi?

My vote is yes, dead deer should drop meat, because food is a resource you use to supply the control points, and as far as I’ve played it’s not super-easy to come by vs. the demand (also I don’t yet fully understand what the benefit is of keeping the control points supplied with food, water, and materials).

You’re not from the US/Mexico border, are you.

I don’t take it as a stab at Corvette. It’s more a poke at Hertz and their absurd pricing on used rentals.

Well those typically already have high miles on them already..

This begs the question: Won’t the trolls that previously shot teammates intentionally just resort to jumping in front of friendly fire and hit “punish teammate” instead?   I suspect this design change merely swept the problem under the rug and won’t really change much.