
The actual water cooled 911 

A color like that makes it hard to play hide-and-sheik.

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My first thought...

That roof would be a deal-breaker for me. Just the idea of that much light in the cabin is exhausting.

My current car has a moonroof, as did my previous car.  I almost always have the cover closed.  That panoramic roof looks nice, but I wouldn’t care to have the sun beating down on my head all the time that I’m driving. 

Ford misunderstands that they’ll largely be bought by old guys who will drive them under the speed limit to car shows once a week in the summers (but only if it’s sunny!) and they need to be able to say it’ll do over 200 to people who ask the two standard stupid questions of the casually car curious: how much, how

I can already see the Top Gear challenge where they take the new generation of muscle cars to an air strip and everyone passes Chris Harris in the GT500 and he keeps arguing “it’s not about top speed”.

And even if you were, you’re not going to crash into those crowds at more than 180 mph...

If he does, then holding out will look like a really smart move.

“Stop saying jets are a disaster!”

Yet you took the time to write a whole paragraph about this trade with a horrible take on it. Congrats!

Lol. Jabrill peppers made one decent play in two years and cant return kicks for shit. You got fleeced.

One question: Did the Giants sweeten the deal a little?

Lol what the fuck is happening

Have you ever seen the astronomical amount of clipping that goes on in WoW? Even regular humans, the most basic of the basic races in WoW, have absurd levels of clipping. Everything clips. Armor clips through bodies, facial features clip through helmets, capes clip through everything, legs clip through mounts.  You

Oh wow you’ve done this on your own?! Amazing!!!! And your art was as awesome and varied as wow?! and you didnt have horrible clipping when it came to equipping literally hundreds of pieces of armor and rideable mounts?

WoW has, at this point, some hundred thousands of different armor sets, millions of different effects, and a silly amount of different animations, all of which are expected to work with minimal clipping or other graphical issues. These designs are expected to work with modern features and also use features designed 15

Wow also has far better art design than almost any other game out there, and way better than other mmos. Making a bulkier race able to use the armor correctly is a massive time sink.

No, those tanks are going to Canada (yes I know it’s AEI, their charts aren’t hideously ugly)