Tiffani Amber Thetan

Omg I’ll just cry the whole time. I don’t even think I’ll remember what I saw at the end of all of it.

I wish Jewish Grandma ran the world.

It is so rediculous that it took until the year 2015 for them to take that damn flag down.

Thanks for explaining the hierarchy to me. I’ll admit I only skimmed the book’s contents before I started to furrow my eye brows, so that’s my bad.

I think this games “progressiveness” is pretty dubious because outside the treatment of gender and sexuality, there are definitely racial issues written into the setting (night people & roamers), and the game’s setting has some kind of...far-right tendencies? I mean the whole assumption that monarchs are inherently

Thank you for making me aware of this book. I am currently having some pretty good laughs.

Basic behavorial psychology, I just wish there was a better way of guaging the challenge rating of a complex political maneuver =/

I don’t think (tabletop) gaming has been “hijacked” becaue the fantasy genre and its deep ties to Norse mythology have always been very violent.

Now playing

This Redacted Tonight skit basically hit the nail on the head.

Now playing

What bell hooks said about Beyonce will always ring true to me.

The wealth gap increased under Obama, and it will surely continue that trend under Hillary. Democrats are a very corporate party. It’s sad because Sander’s politics speak to the kinds of reforms we need to make to eventually end poverty, homelessness, revive the middle class, and shrink wealth disparity, but none of

“ARe you really fucking aksing this question? Why don’t you ask Louis Pasteur. Seeing as he patented a yeast. YEAST that is still used to this day, in food production of the various BREADS, and confectioneries you eat. You kinda need to know biology to understand how Yeast grows, and to modify Yeast so that its a more

The Monsanto that tried to destroy the black community in the town I live near very much did exist, because they poisoned the water with pcb’s before 2000. Historical revisionism isn’t uncommon for corporate shills looking to construct a narrative, but uh, your pants are down when it comes to facing facts:

You keep constructing this bull shit false dichotomy: organic or GMO. I really don’t give a fuck. I told a story of what Monsanto did to a town I lived near. You never addressed their pollution, or any of that, you’ve derailed and constructed straw men you could argue to because in the end you have to pretend that

The fact that you assume I’m a female says a lot about your pre-fabricated misogynistic superiority complex. I’m sure if I was a girl you’d just have to mansplain to me about how the corp knows what’s best for me, and I really shouldn’t do any of my own thinking.

Your a propagandist, and you probably get paid to do this kind of internet bullying nonsense because your corp encourages people to silently acquiesce to their tyranny rather than challenge it.

The environmental section in this study is very contained, with each experiment pertaining to a small sample of plants. Like the section “Sustainable introduction of GM crops to European agriculture” clearly states: “Maize and oilseed rape were the major GM crops targeted for this study – other crops under

“If you knew anything about biology in GERNAL...”