Tiffani Amber Thetan

Psshhh enjoy spending 100 hours on collection quests. This game is thin. Very thin.

The main story is SUPER short. Compare it to any other Final Fantasy and you’ll agree.

I was meh about this game.

If you’re participating in the industry on black Friday you’re a jerk regardless of what you do.

This show is white supremacist af. The biggest threat to black Harlem isn’t “black politicians trying to keep everyone out”, it’s white gentrification. This show is garbage.

Thank you for explaining that, I have seen so many white people online saying “who’s Becky tho”.

Funny considering superheroes themselves, especially the American variant, are little more than fascists themselves. Revolutionaries, communists and anarchists, are always portrayed as villains, I’m reminded of an episode of Arrow with some Occupiers that use guns, and of course Bain. I’m pretty tired of the

This is so complicated.

Whether Obama was raised “black” or not is irrelevant, he has shown absolutely no regard for the black community. A good example is Flint, with its majority black community, languishing while Obama sits there and does nothing. The only time he has spoken up on violence against POC is when it suits the anti-gun

Unfortunately this is capitalism. You sign a contract, a company has the right to bank on you. You’re an investment, not a human being.

I thought the Lady Gaga thing was Lady Gaga denied that Dr. Luke had raped her (Lady Gaga)? Wasn’t that one of the rumors that started circulating at the beginning of this whole thing?

This isn’t Johnny Depp peeling off anything, this is just what happens when Trump goes home every night.

I find Hillary supporters, in general, aren’t too interested in issues. They know Hillary is a war hawk that supports a genocidally racist and misogynistic drone program: no comment. They know she voted in favor of the Iraq war, and showed support for the bombing of Kosovo in the 90s, a “humanitarian effort” that

I think this article desperately clutched for a point, and I’m sure other outlets that deign to acknowledge this desperate little fart will latch onto that. The extrapolation that Fallon’s character is an indictment on young girls as a whole, as opposed to oh you know A CHARACTER, is like saying any single woman

This election has turned into white feminism’s crowning moment. If you’re an Arab women, or any other POC feminist, see your way out, the white feminists are talking... and it seems they have a fondness for genocidal drone programs, and racist crime bills.

Hillary Clinton is the best choice for white feminists yes. If you’re an Arab woman or any other POC scratch that. This election has turned into white feminism’s crowning moment. And after Clinton fails the country, it’s okay any of the candidates (including Sanders) would, it will be the dispellation of white liberal

If you vote for a candidate that would use drones to kill Arab women... you’re not a feminist: you’re a misogynist, and a racist.

I think this is such a problem. In order to get the votes needed to confirm the judge, Obama is going to have to appoint some moderate Republicans agree with. In this polarized environment, there’s no way he’ll appoint someone even remotely “liberal”.

What the hell is Hillary Clinton going to do to fight systemic racism? Put a band-aid on the gaping wound called capitalism? The entire system is rigged to make blacks poor, turn them into criminals, and pour them into the prison industrial complex, and all she’s ever done is support racist crime bills that have led

A lot of black people don’t seem too happy with the video either: