Tiffani Amber Thetan

“Milk weed = weed. Herbicides kills weeds . weeds compete for resources for gorwing crops. so a farmer has two fucking options: use herbicides to kill them off (which takes less time and resources to do) or go out in the field, emply 100 people to pull weeds up. What is more economical for a farmer?”

Cites more corporate bull shit.

You need to leave spelling and grammar to people who know how to write because you are committing some crimes against the english language. You’re just a fucking corporate shill. Monsanto has hurt people in the past, and they’ll hurt them again (like in Hawaii). Your only purpose here was to derail my point to talk

Funny I couldn’t find the study on milkweed being destroyed, and it’s the first thing I looked for. But I’m sure that’s because the source you’re drawing from is completely unbiased right? I’m not trying to have a debate with you, clearly you sit here and attack my sources but don’t apply the same litmus to the ones


“So 1 scienist you bullied in conceding? I have over 100 studies saying the opposite, which I linked to several times already (GENERA).”

Actually the scientist I was talking to posted an article that was critical of GMOs impact on biodiversity here on io9:…

GENERA huh? Well something I

Yeah I swear your prime minister, Angela Merkel, leading the charge to see Greece out of the EU, driving Greece toward default was far more serious than highway toll collection. Ours want to control other people’s bodies, but both of our right wingers meet in the middle, because they both want to control other

As if we need more delusional Hollywood movies distorting people’s expectations of love irl.

I was just beginning to think we were experiencing a deficit of racist white women on tv.

I can finally say I’m legally married in my home state to my spouse. Today is a good day.

If you haven’t noticed dumb ass “Murica” is bigger than your piddly little racist backwater that claims social progressiveness, but is extensively fascist. And I don’t give a fuck if it hurts your dumb ass feelings, but guess what, if you make some racist shit, expect some criticism. I’m sorry you hate harsh words,

I’ve noticed that all the articles about this, on Gawker media, seem to always have pictures of the killer, but not many pictures of his victims. So... is this how white supremacy works?

Damn that was awkward. GOOD.

Yup gamergater’s fight for less representation in games, and “SJWs”, or as I prefer to call them “decent human beings”, are fighting for more representation. SAME FUCKING COIN. I’d offer this bit of advice, tell Polish game studios to stop trying to become internationally relevant when they don’t have an

Don’t you gamergaters already have somewhere to go to be a bunch of right wing ass holes?

I can’t stand the media in this country. EVERYTHING is fair game. It’s freaking disgusting. People need to put some pressure on that idiot Gretchen Carlson to issue an apology.

“Neverwhere” by Neil Gaiman was pretty important to me. The mini-series isn’t half bad either.