Tiffani Amber Thetan

Taking up land to grow GMOs for biofuels, when that land could be used to grow food, has nothing to do with factory farming.

If I see any allusions to Crises Core I’m going to vomit. I want a remake of the original game without any of the crappy addenda they added on to make more money. In my world, all the characters died at the end of FF7, and I hope they keep the ambiguous ending.

They’ll probably cut out extraneous stuff like the side quest to get Vincent, and the whole fighting in a forest to get Yuffie, and possibly even side-quests like the crashed gelnika

God i hope they don’t do that. That’s sooooo tacky.

Ah! Everything you just said!

Yoshinori Kitase is directing it again, so I’m hoping it can avoid that Crises Core, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus deadly serious vibe because the original game was quirky (and dark), and I think that’s part of why it’s so special to so many people.

These appeals to nature from the right are so anti-intellectual. Yes we are (technically) animals, but humans fill a very different role in this world; furthermore, we’re self-aware, animals don’t have the ability to process what they’re doing, we do, so saying “x is because of nature” is such a lazy excuse. We’re

I don’t think calling Rachel Dolezal racist is very charitable. There are people out there who have tried to deal real lasting damage to the black community, like Clarence Thomas. She’s absolutely effing insane and misguided, but I don’t think she’s racist.

Jews were slaves, Irish were slaves, almost every group of people at one time or another have been enslaved. During the trans-Atlantic slave trade various groups were enslaved, including Native Americans. Not trying to diminish the immediate damage of colonialism and the trans-Atlantic slave trade on people of black

Yeah pretty bumbed about this, but iOS users have shitty phones, so I guess it all pans out pretty evenly.

According to BGR these are the reasons we get shafted:

Who doesn’t have an agenda? I don’t believe the lawyers ass hole, I believe the claimants who have been affected. Did you even read the article where the Hawaiin people were suing because they were directly affected by this shit, or are you just being belligerent and gish galloping me because you’re paid to do it?

Yes genetically patented terminator seeds that can’t yield more seeds for more production are great for fixing problems related to scarcity (or profit margins). What planet do you live on? Are corporations some altruistic monoliths in your dimension because I’d love to live in this fantasy you’re a part of. You’re

No they’re lawyers that have had to take up litigation on behalf of their clients against the corporations that produce these GMOs for various reasons. One of those reasons being environmental damage like water pollution.

Because the article is about GMOs so stop with the red herrings. You assume I’m some kind of fan of any corporatized food structure.

I wonder how much of a problem we’re going to have with ethnic names. I’m sure there will be a lot of people out there, with ethnic names like me, that are going to feel very excluded in the whole pre-recorded name thing.

It’s funny how you discount environmental damage as an issue and then have the audacity to call me a climate change denier (or its equivalent) in the same paragraph. Furthermore, scarcity is fabricated and if you’ve read even a quarter of the things I’ve written you’d know that a great deal of America’s farm lands,