Chris Shaffer

I don’t think this is him trying to be ‘meta’ in the same way he was with Reboot, because while I don’t know his original planned plot for Clerks 3, I know it was a lot different before he had his heart attack. Reboot was trying to poke fun at Hollywood, even if he spent too damn long poking fun at himself. Kevin

You, um, have fun with that. I guess.

I live in an area where people think covering a steak sandwich with fries is haute cuisine. If I had to choose between Subway and a Primanti Bros (a regional chain and the closest thing we have to a ‘local sandwich shop’ around here unless you count Sheetz which is literally regional chain of gas stations), I’ll stick

Yeah, I spoke badly. What I mean is that when people sit around drinking Bud Light all day, they’re rarely thinking “Oh boy, Bud Light!” But when they’re sitting down to dinner, the Bud Light is likely to be more of a deliberate choice than “eh, it’s what’s in the fridge.”

Yeah, I said that badly. I think a better way to express the thought I was having is that nobody’s eager to sit around drinking Bud Light. Bud Light’s convenient for it, but people don’t plan their day around drinking it specifically. But someone might deliberately choose Bud Light over something ostensibly better if

I realize I worded that badly, and I’ll accept the dunce cap for it. What I mean is that when people sit around drinking Bud Light, the very fact that it’s Bud Light isn’t the highlight of the experience.

I learned that lesson quickly myself. I used to save a couple for just if I wound up needing ice packs, but the packaging they’re in doesn’t hold up forever. But my regular box comes the day after I take out the trash, so now I set them aside just in case and toss them the following week.

Well, that’s the thing. When Budweiser as a brand was originally created, most beer preferences were regional. People in one part of the country liked this, people in another part of the country liked that. The intent was to create a beer that basically everyone could drink nationwide, back when ‘lowest common

I know Busch Light’s pretty popular among folks who just need a cheap beer but aren’t desperate enough to stoop to what the college kids are drinking (which is often Natty Light).

To my understanding, having had some experience in the industry, almost nobody just sits around drinking Bud Light. The reason why it’s such a big seller is because you can drink it with a meal without interfering with the taste of said meal.

Yeah, I do the same with the freezy packs as well.

Disney’s general standard practice is 3 seasons max for a show. I don’t know if that’s an arbitrary number they hit because of syndication or what but it’s been that way for a while now.

I’ve rarely gone out of my way to go to Subway barring one or two cravings, but I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten a bad sandwich from them. Though to be fair I have a couple of favorites that I stick with (one of which isn’t consistently available, which factors in to how often I patronize one) and I rarely touch any

And David refused to be credited, because he felt that Doug had done too much work to be overshadowed. Which is funny, because they cast David Hyde Pierce specifically to get his name on the project.

Except the issue isn’t how long ago Kamala was created, but the fact that they’re reaching back to an obscure comic from the 90's to mine for material for the show and that you can’t necessarily judge the show’s interpretation on said comic. I mean, people loved how Moon Knight turned Layla into a version of the

which connects Kamala’s story with an Orientalist comic series from the ’90s.

I wonder how much of the time spent sorting out the hosting situation is finding someone who won’t answer the network’s calls with “Fool me once...” and then just hanging up.

That’s sort of my point, though, that Maul’s survival is absurd and doesn’t seem to have gotten as much backlash. Though to be fair his showing up on Clone Wars was also before a time when people decided that ‘hating Star Wars’ can be their whole personality.

Darth Maul gets cut in half, survives, people shrug and move on.

I think that’s the common fan-interpretation, and I suspect is the intent in this episode.