Chris Shaffer

I’ve come to accept that that sort of issue is something you sometimes need to handle on an awkward, case-by-case basis. Not that I have a set of rules or even guidelines, but self-examination on this issue over the last several years has found that my comfort levels often come down to “Is this person able to use

Leaving a note in the public space where you had the interaction is one thing, especially since the server will connect it to your time spent there. But tracking down someone later on social media, especially in the way described in the letter, is bare minimum like waiting out side to find which car belongs to the

A bigger problem with Palpatine’s survival is that it also completely undoes Anakin’s redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi. Retroactively, it means that “I mean, I guess you did try to kill him” is enough to bring him back to the light side.

The only person I’ve ever met who legitimately enjoyed Rise of Skywalker is also someone who hated both Force Awakens and Last Jedi.

Ship of Theseus.

Voice actors don’t see a penny of residuals usually.

Yeah, I’m thinking it would have gotten old somewhere around the third episode, but they’d probably have a single moment at the end of the season where they’d wring one final genuine chuckle out of it.

There’ve been difficulties using Batman characters much farther back than Arrow. During the days of the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited animated series, they called it the Bat-embargo. Sure, they had Batman as part of the core cast, but it’s why after a certain point his villains stop showing up and they had

Like I said, it’s definitely worth a replay, especially with a different build. My first time through I played with the Thinker archetype. The second time, I did the Sensitive. And not only was the information I got about the world drastically different, but also what I had access to because I was succeeding at differe

Well, like I said, we’d only load up the trucks to get the pallets to the correct height, and then move the pallets — beer and all — back into the cooler. Also, I forgot to point out that we had a building big enough to park the trucks inside and leave them there. This was also probably a pretty small distributor

I fucking envy you, being able to play Disco Elysium for the first time. Sure, replaying it with different builds offers a much more variable experience than you’d expect going in, but there’s still that feeling of discovery your first time through.

I worked at a beer distributor *mumblecough* years ago, and every evening we’d load the case beer trucks — the ones with the rows upon rows of bay doors — at the end of the day and just let the beer sit overnight because it was more important to just be able to jump into the truck and go in the mornings without

The ring came off my pudding can!

Any professional video shoot requires lots and lots of takes in which performers do the same thing over and over again, and all those takes can add up to a ton of food being consumed.

Were you sent here by the devil?

Honestly, I could see the impulse to cast Pauly Shore as the caveman, he’s got a look that would translate well into that ‘messy and uncivilized’ aesthetic. That said, while I wouldn’t call myself a fan of his (having turned 15 and outgrew him a long time ago), I can also see that giving him a mostly non-verbal

Honestly, I think Loki is one of the few characters where you could actually justify using the word ‘omnisexual,’ in the same sense that it’s often applied to Jack Harkness.

Good lord, I can see that, too. Like he thought he was signing up for a service for videos about Hawaii or something and forgot to cancel it. He probably watches stuff on Hulu and doesn’t realize it. I’m actually really behind on Bob’s Burgers as a show (just got distracted by life between seasons, never got back

I unironically read that in Teddy’s voice, and I’m not sure why.

I just found out about this today completely by accident while grabbing lunch at Arby’s. I tried to order one but they were already out for the day.