Chris Shaffer

Thank you, now this all makes sense to me.

You underestimate how many people have jobs and are still homeless, or are on welfare and/or food stamps. Just bumping up unemployment benefits doesn’t do anything for the working poor.

Important question, though -- is there a snake version of Abradolf Lincler? (I mean, probably not, as there doesn’t seem to be a Snake Rick, but I wonder...)

As a wise(?) man once said, “His power grows by the night!”

It might’ve been a painting that Nandor’s had stashed away for a while and Colin knew about it and decided that now was the time to do something with it.

My roommate listens to various forms of metal when he cooks.

If changes to the timeline didn’t have a bit of a delay on them, then Marty would have ceased to exist the moment he screwed up his parents’ weird meet-cute. It’s the same reason why he’s got time to fix their relationship before he ceases to exist.

[Spaghetti] goes with everything. In a pinch, you could put Asian sauces on it, too.

So many lines and moments had me cackling this episode. The mailer-daemon in particular got me going, as did Guillermo’s eye-twitch when Nandor tried to reawaken the laptop with his powers. And of course, Guillermo’s voicemail warning coming through at just the wrong time. This episode was a delight.

Not gonna deny, I’ve experienced this — earlier today, in fact. Before all this, I was the sort of person who’d do his shopping at 24-hour places kinda late, usually after midnight if I’m not ready to wind down but don’t want to just sit around the house, often with the roommate in tow. But now I have to plan my day

I saw the headline from another article and my first thought was “Welp, that’s about the Yellowcake.”

If it helps you feel better, I’ve been keeping up on things, and my first RotC run was at Mayhem 4 and it was an absolute slog.

What I find interesting is that timeline-wise, this show takes place at the same time as Rebels. And given that we’ve got Rosario Dawson tapped to play Ahsoka Tano in the next season of Mandalorian (and, I’ve heard, possible flashbacks in the Obi-Wan series), I wonder if we’re going to be seeing her turning up on this

Don’t take this the wrong way, but just seeing the headline made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

The Sheetz chain of gas stations here in the Eastern US has something similar for their bathroom doors.

While it doesn’t feed into my LARP Moment for this episode, the ‘Superb Owl’ thing amuses me because one of the more prominent vampire-based RPGs out there (Vampire: The Requiem) does indeed have a race of owl creatures that prey on vampires. (And yes, the game’s publisher does indeed do a ‘Superb Owl’ sale every year

Alrighty, so I did these last season and nobody told me to stop, so here I am getting caught up with...

Ellen to anyone who’s spent more than ten minutes with her, apparently: “Fuck you, I got mine.”

I’m a big fan of Hawaiian, myself. The Pies and Pints chain will also do grapes (one of their specialties is grape, gorgonzola, and rosemary), and that’s wound up as an ingredient on my and my roommate’s usual.

It’s a great moment, made even more notable since it’s (as far as I can surmise) the last time she will see him before he becomes Darth Vader.