
The fact is that sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes. Most of the victims of this type of crime never see the inside of a court room, because they did not report out of a legitimate fear that they would not be believed. That these assaults were never reported doesn't mean that they didn't happen,

What courts find and what occurred in reality are not always the same thing.

I'm all for laughing and ridicule, but that doesn't mean that the shit he "mis-spoke" should go unchallenged or un-debunked.

Most sexual assaults are committed by a person that the victim knows. I find the idea of date rape being some kind of "grey area" very troubling.

Akin tried to "science-ify" his anti-abortion stance with blatant falsehoods. This article presented the actual evidence. Seems appropriate to me.

What Akin meant by "legitimate" is a kind of double-speak that people use when they are trying to minimize rape. They believe, or at least they claim that many of the sexual assaults that are committed are false claims by women who "were asking for it" or "were sluts" or something.

It is necessary to do so - and it grows tiresome each time it has to be done. But the harm that is caused by staying silent on issues like this is too much to just let it go.

Robert, thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this so clearly, concisely, and passionately. We could do with more rants like this. I have heard SO MANY conservative politicians justify their ignorance regarding abortion by minimizing the very real problem of rape - and that's just this year.

The creation arguments are the worst. :P

Ia ia Cthulu fhtagn!

And now that you've exposed them, Robert, it's only a matter of time.

I wish I could have done something like that for my step-dad.

I think it's the necessary by-product of having to be really invested in getting the best shot - they didn't want to waste their time and materials back then. This is why I love my digital camera - I can snap at will and delete the ones in which I've accidentally stuck my fingers in the frame. ;)

I love how beautifully composed these photos are.

In that case, let me recommend Ready Player One. If you've already read it, then you know that it's a great story, and in my opinion, Wil Wheaton's narration only stalls when he reads the leaderboard scores - which would be dull listening no matter who was reading it. If you haven't already read it, then you should

I'm surprised you didn't enjoy it, actually. While the writing was jarring (I could only take so much "he said, she said, Dahl said, Koresnski said, etc." - maddening!), I thought that Wheaton brought some welcome life to the characters - like the scene where Dahl asks Korenski about all of the injuries he'd

I've listened to Wil Wheaton narrate Ready Player One and Redshirts. I'll go with Will Wheaton.

Can it be that *gasp* evidence actually can change minds?

I know. I was prepared to put a pin in my dislike for Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn (and Jonah Hill, too, to be honest) just so that I could see Ayoade. But now, not so much.

It does seem like kind of a pile-on, doesn't it? It's not like this is going to change my mind, though. ;)