Because she hasn’t broken the law? Because having different morals and ethics than you doesn’t mean someone deserves to be disbarred?
Because she hasn’t broken the law? Because having different morals and ethics than you doesn’t mean someone deserves to be disbarred?
Name one?
Has someone identified him yet?
“Equality” my ass. Men couldn't handle a day as women.
This is the greatest Halloween thing since candy.
If I guy died doing this I would never stop laughing.
That's what I'm screaming.
Oh wow, she took off her shoes. All hail Mia fucking Love, advocate for the white supremacy misogynists of her party, because she hates heels too.
Taking them off was the thing to do long before Mia Love did it.
Oh, agreed, definitely.
I am progressive on everything but this. For me as a woman I find drag to be kind of like blackface, so for me Rachel didn’t do anything more offensive than many drag and MTF dudes do with impunity. She lived an authentic life, for her. Maybe it wouldn’t suit a lot of her detractors, but it’s no less authentic than…
Ah, yes. The ole “If a woman has an opinion that goes against the tide, she must be misinformed” baloney.
I don’t think she was fraudulent. I think we accept a women’s word about who she is far less than we choose to accept a man’s word when he says he is a woman. There’s nothing that says Rachel wasn’t black. Just like there’s nothing that says a male isn’t female. :shrug:
I actually gained a ton of respect for Rihanna on this. If people born male can be women, and co-opt into womanhood, then transracial also may be a thing. I am not seeing the difference.
Omg same here. After I read this I decided to make a youtube playlist of just her songs I love, and it’s up to like 30 songs now!
Oh, she is fabulous! Always has been. Nasty is still my personal anthem. The whole Control album was ages ahead of its time. She is one of my favorite pop “misandrists” for that album. And her uplifting pop like Escapade and Love Will Never Do and the whole Rhythm Nation album... ALL of her stuff, really. When I think…
People like to hate on Gloria Allred but she is doing God’s work in the arena of female advocacy.
I've had breakups that saddened me less than the news that there's to be no more Key & Peele.
Once again I am unsurprised that women are less broken and dysfunctional than men.
A Seahawk would never do this.