
King did such an amazing job with this movie. One Night in Miami could only be told well and feel authentic because it is helmed and acted by Black voices with Black experiences. Perhaps one day soon we will see more and more projects made this way and it will begin to allow more than just the white gaze to showcase mo

Agreed. We need to do proper science. If we are going to carve out competition for women, we have to agree on a what a woman is.

Hmm... I suspect I won’t get stars here given the usual population... but good for Tulsi. I lean left on most any issue (and even consider myself left-leaning when it comes to trans-rights), but we have to be realistic here. If you don’t accept that biological men have a distinct advantage in muscle mass / bone

We have old fashioned “dumb” cellphones issued by work to use in the hospital, personal phones are stashed away, if have a desk keep it in a drawer, if no desk you have a locker, if need to use just need to take it to a public space(there are plenty of them all over), an appropriate private area, or outside to use.

Thank you for saying this. I actually went back and read her blog this time and found I had next to no issue with what she was saying. The fact that she’s still able to be graceful about this in the face of the bullying and threats she’s gotten is impressive. I don’t agree with her take completely on all of it but

Adichie’s words, in the Guardian piece, seem to be aimed more at cancel culture than anything else.  But by all means, go ahead and drag her for writing We Should All Be Feminists.  

I don’t think the bankers as anti-Semitic tropes was necessarily intentional, but it’s legit to argue that she definitely internalized...something...regardless of whether she realized what she was doing. I agree, though, that potential implicit bias in one instance shouldn’t be conflated with out and out batshittery

Maybe losing your health insurance will inspire you.

Take a million stars!!

It wasn’t that there wasn’t much they could do. There was absolutely, positively, completely NOTHING they could have done to stop this.

And there it is. I hope everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary because of their stupid fucking principles sees what happens when you purity test yourself into oblivion. Oh? She didn’t inspire you? Maybe losing your health insurance will inspire you.

I don’t blame Democrats for not stopping this nomination, or for not doing a bunch of procedural shit or whatever to delay was a foregone conclusion no matter what. But now, there is no coherent argument I can think of to not expand the court, except “Well, Democrats might not win the White House or the

If voting white women voted like voting black women in 2016 this wouldn’t have been an issue.  I am just going to sit over here with the African American women that went over 90% for Clinton in 2016.  I expected better from white women (I’m never doing that again) because I definitely knew white men ain’t shit. 

Geeeeeeet the fuck outa here with this bullshit...IT’S A FUCKING VIDEO GAME! I give two fucks about your “teammates” and the fact it’s “live”... get your ass up and tell your teammates you gotta go if you want to keep your damn games any longer. This is some “viral” ass parenting bullshit methodology to make himself

Instead of telling my kids that dinner is ready or it’s time to go bed, I give them a countdown. Something like “dinner in 15 minutes” or “start wrapping up for bed”. I think this is a good introduction to time management.

shout over each other like two geriatric playground bullies again next week, I have some bad news.

Reason #1?

My state only allows seven letters and my abbreviation can lead to... other thoughts. I prefer my old tag of PLTYPSMN, but oh well.