
This is a feminist forum. Quit talking about old white mens.

I think it's nice.

I am going to miss the Obamas something fierce.

Kim is not saying anything about Rob that isn’t true. If it were a hookers-and-meth situation instead of a hookers-and-purple-drank one, Rob would be around more because people on meth get off the couch sometimes. You can't even drag people on opiates out of the house.

I love how everyone thought she was throwing shade by not starting her name with a K. No, people. She just didn’t want to give her son a chubby.

I know, but he is a dick. Balee dat.

This is a good motto for other things too.

Just when you thought life couldn't get anymore white.

Honestly, AskMetafilter is the best place she could have posted this. Mefi is a buoy of humanity in this gulf of digital shit.

That *ONE*?

I bet it rebel smells.

Anonymous has been far too quiet lately.

It’s punching up. Carl is a contemptuous prick. He says in the episode, “I used to think rape was funny...until I got raped.” That’s why it’s okay. In my opinion anyway.

Does anybody remember the now-so-irrelevant-it’s-defunct StumbleUpon? You should read their reviews of Very aptly stated. I feel sorry for the younger folk because they are too young to remember when these types of sites were ridiculed mercilessly. The early aughts were much more fun and accurate wrt

Saying a woman or girl has “daddy issues” is fucking wretched. If she has daddy issues, shouldn’t the hate be directed at, you know, her god damned father? How is his disgusting and damaging fuckery her fault?

Extra points for the term “gumption”. That term always reminds me of Punky Brewster.

Agreed. On so many levels it was the best worst.

My boyfriend and I have the same unique nose. “You’re way cuter than your brother.” Said to me at the club, after they saw us necking and grinding and stuff.

I thought for a sec this was about Margaret Carlson. I was quite agape.

That is not what my mother looked like when she put a new radiator in her car the other day.