
This just looks ridiculously... tall.

From this angle it’s a bit reminiscent of the S7.

I was thinking it looks like an Accord coupe...

I wasn’t able to find a photo from the exact angle but from this one the roof line, the rear wheel arch bulge, the character line on the lower part of the door, the front wheel arch bulge, the side angle of the rear light and the amount of overhang visible at the front of the wheels all look very similar.

High tech? Couldn’t they have used technology to make it weigh around 3000 lbs or so?

Disappointed in the looks. But....

Hey Chevrolet, you sure those windows are narrow enough?

This makes the design guys at Porsche look like huge risk takers.

This post is the distilled essence of jalop.

The middle’s for the driver, and one massive ball goes on each side.

Seriously. Terrible video for that sort of thing. It gets beat off the line in every case because it has to start slow or risk obliterating the tires. I have no doubt it reels them in at some point but I can’t tell when. This is like telling me to watch this one ninja beat the crap out of another ninja in a dark room.

Or from the side like that last one with the BMW(I think). I am just sitting here like “Which one is getting smaller faster” and it totally looks like those Porsche’s were going just as fast as the one:1 even though I know its not even close.

Wish there was some on board footage, honestly hard to tell the level of “I’m so much faster than you” from the starting line.

I like watching the wing adjust itself. It makes me happy for some reason. I guess it’s because science is helping you to go faster.

Kanye West... how many Kanyes do you even know?

I love that social norms are removed in an airport when it comes to drinking...

For his sake, I hope so. Because when he’s around cameras, he seems like a person I’d like to punch in the face.

So. Did you ask if he liked fish sticks?