
Hangin’ in there, had to take the dog to the vet the other day for heartworm test:

^^ yes

You can dislike U2, but you can’t hate U2 any more than you can hate a first-gen Miata because it was underpowered and those little door handles were too small for your manly sausage fingers.

This is why people hate New Yorkers. U2 is harmless.

Absolutely, unequivocally, categorically bat shit fu**ing crazy. It is absolute calamity with a huge economic disparity in what you see on the road. Brand new G65 AMG next to an old beat up and un-maintained VW transporter van that is over-filled (they use them as public transport). So you get the dudes in the shitty

Am I wrong?!

That’s probably a fake skid plate, but I see where you’re going...

The Mustang is a track car, that is for racing. But yeah, I have that problem with my VW, the under spoiler hits the curb and is broken now.

Oh my salary increases. Just not at the rate I’d like, or the price of new vehicles...

A thousand times this. The notion that you need 19” or 20” rims on a daily commuter “for performance” is nuts - Audi’s ALMS racing cars have more sidewall than an S-line A4.

Nah, I want controllable, selectable engine noises. So my GTI can sound like a GTI. Or a big diesel truck. Or an F1 car. Or a chainsaw. Or just a really quiet car.

Or “Speakered” in engine noise. Die more... with fire..

The light-kit badge. It’s just in it’s infancy, but needs to be put down now before it becomes an epidemic:

I’ll allow any system that actually uses pipes, not speakers.

I bet you’ll find some aero losses going back to the round lip. The engineers are looking for clean air separation from the panel to the wheel opening. Same reason high aero cars have a sharp line at the corner of the back bumper.

Did anyone say piped-in engine noises yet?

That looks like a GM concept car from the 90s, and that is not a compliment.

looks amazing in black