This will do for now.
This will do for now.
Oh man, I just went looking for the Fiero/Lamborghini that's been advertised for some time around here but it doesn't seem to be up now. Every time I see it my head hurts just thinking about it. It appears to be about a 7/8 scale Diablo but it's not done and it needs (of all things) a windshield.
Well it's one of the consequences of a profit driven market that puts money ahead of humanity so she's close. But yeah, that was an absolutely unnecessary inclusion and added nothing to the article except irritating hype.
Detroit just can't get a break. []
And besides M119 north of Petosky is teh awesome.
How did he prevent his lips from beating him to death in that thing?
Wish I had gotten the wagon instead of the sedan. But the DOHC ones are few and far between. When you want one.
I've always had a soft spot in my head for the GT's. I've still got the Corgi in my display cabinet. Nice Price just for touching me in an inappropriate manner.
The dealership is oriented on the edge of a college town. They only gotta sell 'em one car and they're gone.
Nah, I see the rodent too. It's like a crouched rat or something. Large rear haunches and such.
It really is more of a dealership problem than a Honda problem but after 3 years of trying to justify them just fixing the damn car instead of giving us the runaround, well it's a Honda problem now. Because I never want another one. Except maybe a CVCC or possibly a NSX.
That guy knocking on my TV screen always made me feel like pulling an Elvis and shooting the Damn TV.
I'm amazed that people just have absolutely no clue about how Honda has treated buyers and sellers of these cars for years. They "were" great little cars but the system of buying and selling them has been corrupt for a very long time.
I was watching a documentary about the Robinson Helicopter Company and all the registration numbers were blurred. I'm not sure why they do it as it can probably be cross referenced but I have seen it done on domestic television.
Here's a 40K mile one for $6500 which is a little closer to what I would pay if I were inclined. These things were ridiculously expensive when new. Somewhere in the mid to high $20K range. But for that kind of cash I'd be looking for a mid 70's Eldo. Your grandpa's Meerschaum Crack Pipe.
Given my choice of cars, your wish may come true.
Yeah yeah, I know. But in this case I'm going with Specially.
It just sounds really really off key to me. Like cats fighting in a bag or something. Not pleasing to my ears but they are the only ones I got. Maybe yours hear something different.
I don't think there's really a GOOD time to listen to Pearl Jam.