Sounds like he had a good run. I would never second guess someone else's decisions regarding death and dying. He lived the way he wanted to live and died the way he chose for himself, although under duress. We should all be so lucky.
Sounds like he had a good run. I would never second guess someone else's decisions regarding death and dying. He lived the way he wanted to live and died the way he chose for himself, although under duress. We should all be so lucky.
I always feel like I'm living dangerously if I don't have a good spare. This guy makes me feel like a pussy...
There were 4 movies?
It was probably because you never know if you are going to be coming back in a Corvette either.
Needs more cats...
I got to 1:56 and that's it, I'm done.
Well out of all the things to pick out of that rant that wouldn't have been the one thing I would have thought of.
Michigan, although you don't get a lot of controversy over "Great Lake State" which I believe was the last slogan we had. This is about all I could find quickly - []
I was under the impression, in this state at least, that tampering of any kind was strictly a no no.
Lets face it, the license plate does represent a huge government-run intrusion into people's lives. They won't let you paint your own numbers on them. Drawing in the tab dates with Sharpies is right out. These pushy uniformed officials get all in your face when you don't have them. They're our roads, our cars, who…
Can I just dislike mini vans because it seems like all the drivers are incompetent inattentive doddering cell-yapping droolers? Because it seems like it bred a generation of "Baby on Board" signs and mall shoppers and latte drinkers? Because it represents an America that I've always found a bit unrealistic and…
Which is also a lot like the highway system in Ohio it seems, or at least every time I'm forced to go there.
Our downtown area is almost all one way streets (every block changes direction so if you are going east/west it's north then south etc) so it's hard enough for the locals to figure out how to get to a specific location and as a bonus we have lots of visitors that have not much of a chance. In addition we have…
Vapid, pretentious and superficial. He's a perfect symbol of the reason things are the way they are. Go dude.
Well you got that going for you then.
"hot mom" is not a safe GIS for work either BTW
This thread is useless without pics...
When I started I was data entry for patient charges that needed to be adjusted. I used to get some odd stuff including the occasional Budweiser...
I've worked in hospitals for over 20 years and I've seen what insurance has done to health care. Managed care is one of the worst things ever to happen to humanity. Leeches was a better plan.