
I can’t star this enough. 40 years old. Work full-time. Married with two kids under 5. Zelda, WonderBoy, ARMS and MK8 are more than enough for me at the moment.

Wonderboy for sure and Bomberman is great if you have multiple people.

Actually disagree, I think they got an amazing haul for a 37 year old. This trade was actually very un-Clippers-esque.

I would rather pay more money and keep it with NBC than pay nothing and have it go back to fucking Fox.

So 5 years is startlingly long now?

And Apple Airpods currently as well

Have you tried getting Apple AirPods?

Red Lion Diner in Warrington. That’s the place to go.

She’s gorgeous. I don’t care.

Phil Jackson

Honestly, I truly believe every dad has had that moment where the mom is like “WTF were you thinking?” when dealing with a baby.

I’m lovin’ it.

Yeah, this is a bad take to have.

OMG you slow down Stephen A and he sounds just like Bill Cosby.

Am I crazy to see Paul George and LeBron in LA 2018/19?

Confirmed. My local Target gets a handful of new ones every week. I am always surprised when I see them there for some reason after weeks of this.

Interesting take from a guy with the thinnest skin (metaphorically of course) in baseball who’s career is based on never owning up to their own mistakes.

His name is Grayson and he got tripped up. Irony.

Yeah I disagree wholeheartedly with this review. My five year old and I have been playing almost non-stop. We LOVE it to pieces.

But do you recall either as kids? Probably not. Especially Prince Fielder, he has repeatedly said he has no relationship with his father.