
I really don’t see who Lonzo Ball is the consensus #2 over Fox. I don’t get it. I think Lavar did his job and the jokes all on us.

Is he the first sports baby? Does Currey’s kid, Torrey’s kid and the like all owe the fame to Darren?

Don’t do it....decided to move back to Sprint last year and have been sorry about it since then. Terrible customer service, terrible service, terrible everything.

This happens all the time though with Marvel comics.

I lived with a limey for 2 years. Marmite is Donald Trump’s sperm. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

The article said attacker. It didn’t specify where or how.

He wouldn’t even have been the best attacker in Manchester, let alone England. I believe Hazard, Kane and/or Aguero have a far better claim to that title.

I went to high school with Alan Porter (for real). He was a fucking douchebag in high school. Glad to see he hasn’t changed.

Counter point, never scratched my screen and I don’t think the current dock is too large or clunky.

Megyn Kelly did terrible shit for years on Fox News. Then Trump rails on her last year so people think, “She must not be so bad”. She signs a deal with NBC and begins doing the same bullshit and people act surprised. She’s a vapid, empty shell of a person with no emotion or empathy.

She’d have been great as Scarlet Witch instead of that Olson.

I am a 39 year old Philadelphian (in Pittsburgh now of all places)...I have only seen one of my teams win a title once ever. World fucking Champions.

Barron looks way older than 11. Way too tall. Too tall. I need to see a birth certificate.

I don’t know what anything you’re saying means but I am going to a house on the ocean in a month and my kids love looking for whales, dolphins, etc. I bought the 12x25....good or bad?

I don’t know what anything you’re saying means but I am going to a house on the ocean in a month and my kids love

In other news, I think Trump is looking at buying a 3rd home there now.

Don’t want you. Don’t need you. Go back to jerking off to Messi and Arsenal.

I just don’t like this actor as Black Panther. I didn’t like him in the cameos previously, don’t like him now. I really feel like this was an opportunity for someone like Dayo Okeniyi from Hunger Games. I don’t know, Chadwick always seems so rigid in his acting.

I live in Pittsburgh, those Uber’s are all over the place. It’s a little unnerving. I don’t know if I will ever get used to it.

With exception of the one white bystander who stopped the black guy from beating this POS down when he spit on him, the rest of the people in this video disgust me. They are staring, gawking, filming. It’s live Jerry Springer for them. This is not normal. This is not OK. This is not street theatre to get video of to

Excuse me? Who are you, God? How do you know when his term ends!?