
This shit infuriates me...and it shouldnt. Why the fuck are you wearing a $100k earring...and then continue wear it when jet skiing.

I mean I dont usually get angry about other peoples money but an athlete wearing a $100k earring or an investment banker buying a $50m vacation home while there are kids who cant

We had a gender reveal party was in delivery room #4 with my wife, me a nurse and the OB. Way better than this “look at me” bullshit.

I guess you don’t read British tabloids...granny porn.

This whole fight is a sideshow grifter work. I would not be surprised to find out their press conferences are scripted. It seemed way too planned and not off the cuff for me.

Or soul-less.

Far too many people aren’t going to get this joke...and that’s a crime.

To clarify, one thing that I love to see from a resume is experience in a kitchen/waiter, military or motherhood...all are high stress and shit. If you can multitask/handle those experiences, whatever we do hear will be cake.

I interview and hire a lot. I have never had a women sheepishly answer anything other than an honest “was home with baby” when I asked. I never got the impression it was bad and I never took it as such. Lord knows I would much rather be at work than home with my kids. I am legit surprised that there are hiring

The new Royal Blood and the new Calvin Harris albums.

How the hell do you overdose on tomatoes. I ask for a friend. Raw tomatoes are nasty.

Holy crap was TV quality bad in the early 80s.

Now playing

OMG, I haven’t thought about “You Can’t Do That on Television” in probably 30 years. That show was so good. I love the intro.

I did this for 5 years and filled up one of those water jugs. I took it to a bank and it comes to almost $8500. I took that money and used it on a European vacation for two weeks.

Thanks Donald Trump for forever ruining red hats of all sorts.

Every one of these items almost certainly came with secret sauce.

Jesus Christ this is the epitome of over-confidence on the Warriors part. No one can tame the reble. No one.

I have lived in PA my entire life. I call bullshit on this story as fireworks are illegal here. In PA people drive to another state for fireworks. No one comes here to buy them. No one.