
Straight Talk Express. Never forget. Little did we know that “talk” was all McCain was capable of.

I am a straight, married guy with kids.

Funded and carried out 9/11.

Give the guy a break...all of his kids are losers, murderers and Red Sox fans.

Do you still live in Pittsburgh? Where did you grow up? I live in Morningside now. This area has exploded. I bought my house for $110k about 8 years ago...I could sell it now for $200k thanks to Bakery Square/Google. It’s stupid.

I was at a restaurant last night in the city and heard two yinzers talking about how unnecessary the EPA was and how “good on Trump” for sorting them out by doing away with the unnecessary agencies.

Who is racist against? I had no idea Cracker Barrell, while terrible, was also racist.

I agree whole heartedly. Like someone else said though, Lavar has set the bar SO high for these kids that if that is what he turns out to be, it won’t be good enough.

Can we talk about his game? I have seen several highlights of him, he’s really not that good of a player. He dribbles WAY too high and doesn’t initiate contact. He does seem to have a pretty good looking jump shot but he doesn’t score as much with as you’d think and he’s D is mediocre.

And the name LiAngelo. Lonzo, ok. I am also cool with LaMelo but LiAngelo just doesn’t work at all.

I am probably going to get flamed for this but I never found her funny at all nor an ever average actress. Maybe that’s why she’s not getting roles? I feel like Melissa McCarthy hit it big at about the same time and any role that Rebel would have gotten is now going to Melissa. Let’s be honest, there aren’t a whole

I would 1000% become a vampire for one night with Kate Beckinsale.

No lie, I thought this was a pic of Riverwood from Skyrim.

Does the Japanese version come with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe written in English?

They need to have a mode where ONLY the original basic cards are allowed.

Also as a person: people are stupid and entitled and I find videos like this really embarrassing.

Same...2 sons, 3 and 5. Don’t do it. You only see the cool stuff, not the bullshit that makes up 90% of the rest of parenthood. Being an aunt/uncle is far superior to parenthood.

You should correct this. It’s available for PC and OSx. There are some of us who prefer Macs for work and us them for some gaming.

Been there. Developed bilimia. I was a 22 year old man. Not fat, not thin. Terrible self-esteem. I’ve actually never told anyone else but my wife (this was before I met her) and my therapist about it.