Jeremy Newton

Just Monika. Just Monika. Just Monika. Monikamhonikamonikamonikeamonikamonikamolnikamonikamonikpamonikamonikamonmikamoniamonikaemonikamonikamonika

This is a perfectly reasonable response. Others have already made the point that severing a professional association != censorship, so I’ll only add the following:

While it is exceptionally uncommon (and in some cases, even illegal, depending upon protected class status) for an employer to terminate an employee based

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

Real talk: isn’t it obvious that any number of things in our environment are probably causing us harm? If someone in 1950 had said “plastic bottles are probably dangerous” they would’ve been laughed out of a room. But petroleum manufacturers have known for years this was the case,a nd only recently are we attuned to

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

I’m not saying I believe either party here, but I would like to point out that there’s a difference between beeing a cheater and shitty husband and a rapist. And being a serious philanderer doesn’t automatically turn you into a rapist. So why would Hillary - or any woman - blindly believe another woman making that

I believe that Bill Clinton raped her. I don’t believe that he went home, told his wife since he’s running for governor they should probably deal with all the women he’s raped and suggest Hillary intimate them. Much more plausible is Hillary was told it was a consensual relationship and if this exchange took place, it

I agree with everything you say. I don’t really know what else to say. The piece by Katie is really well done and very even-handed. The whole thing really is troubling. But so is the obvious appropriation of Broaddrick’s story by right-wing conservatives who ordinarily go out of their way to discredit rape survivors.

I think Bill Clinton got a lot of sex, before and after marrying Hillary. I think 90% of it was consensual, and when he was younger and stupider and the times were different there’s probably a solid 10% that we would consider today to be date rape or worse. In that way I believe Broaddrick and it seems it has affected

Well, even if a man rapes a woman, it's not his fault. Blame his wife!!

I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

I think it’s totally fair to have reservations about HRC for whatever it is that bothers you about her. Serious question: why do you think her own career advancement was her motivation?

I am on the same page as you. It not having an open relationship or arrangement, or whatever that is bothersome. It’s the fact that Bill Clinton has allegedly assaulted multiple women in the process, and Hillary Clinton seems to be ok with it.

A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance

You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.

At this point, I am just hoping that this election breaks the republican party and nudges the country a bit to the left so we can get some real democrats in office in future elections. What passes for left wing in the US is a joke.

Nope. I wont be held hostage by fear mongering anymore. I dont want Trump to win, but I dont want Hillary either. So my vote isnt going to her.

Yesterday I watched Killer Mike stand on stage and lead a crowd at the Panorama festival in a “Fuck Trump” cheer. He was clearly angry that Bernie Sanders had lost, as he was one of his biggest supporters and had really worked on advocacy on Sanders behalf. And since he’s a damn smart guy, he also finished off by

What Bernie Or Bust voters don’t get is that Trump wouldn’t be setting the agenda. Trump’s campaign made it clear that his VP would be the one setting policy, according to Kasich staffers.