
Go watch the podcast for Ep 1 - they specifically address this and why.

My sister owned one of these dreadful things.  Hit a bump and lookie there, a short in the wiring... O M G where is all this smoke coming from... dead on side of road walking back to home.  Yep, full harness meltdown that cost the same amount to fix it as the car cost.

The correct term is sh!tbag.

No, it will all be a new distorted reality TV show on Fox: Who Wants to Be the USA Prezident (sic) (cue fireworks and loud music, cut to Cheeto-bru-ex-Prezidento).


Until now, I always wondered if someone just lazied it out as ness/sness.  Now I know.  Never once have I heard an actual human call it ness. pronounced “son of mother”.



This. Absolutely needs to be shown in every driver’s ed class, etc. Every day, start of class. Drill that sh)t into their heads so they don’t forget.

Need more front engines. And backpack missiles. And tumor tails with radar.

Next up on CBS: Big Brother - Magnum 5-0 edition.

The Joneses

And hold your coffee.

I’m a proud owner of a 96 ‘Mystic’ Mustang. No black & white for me, maybe feed it a crowd or two to get some red splash.

Horizon 3, Warthog, offroad race - is there anything in any racing game that resembles bumper cars more?

I am so glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that. Wait, What?!

An improvement over the definition of fugly is still fugly. Maybe they’re trying to goad Nissan on uber-fugliness (the Leaf is fugly, in mommy jeans).

This, right here. If the company is in a “grow” phase, then it’s all about the young and fresh ideas. No room for cynics. It’s a bit of a catch-22 since a lot of the ideas either are missing that one little piece that usually comes from someone’s experience or while sounding good, anyone that has experience knows

Somewhere there is a Hamster fapping...