It doesn't even get to here. No game of conspiracy telephone will ever outweigh: driver arrogance & driver stupidity.
It doesn't even get to here. No game of conspiracy telephone will ever outweigh: driver arrogance & driver stupidity.
The hydroplane species really try hard and keep practicing those flip turns.
Americans ain’t that small nowadays (not talking height here).
V-lookup + Index-Match = the winning combo. I think Mr Excel has that tutorial as well.
Filters are just that - filters - reducing the data seen. Pivot tables are about analyzing the data. Power Pivot (or, I think it’s now PowerBI) is super awesome with large datasets in Excel.
SQL Compact Edition, free too. Doesn’t have the BI tools or Agent, but everything else important is there. Other good resource is the TechNet Virtual Labs.
Query Analyzer wizard - build your results through drag n drop / select columns and then hit the show SQL. Limited, sure. Helps to learn? yup. Pretty soon you'll be discovering performance tuning.
Nope, it’s them pulling words out their ass and putting them into things resembling sentences. Facts don’t get in their way, why would words?
While that is entirely true, it’s not all. With nearly 5 decades of advancements since then, the machines are vastly more advanced. KISS principles were helped by the level of technology available then vs now.
Crap started as something good and tasty that sustained you for another day of life. A citation started out as a pile of raw materials that could've been used for something good, but was ultimately opportunity wasted.
Pagers and just straight up long hours at the office. And before that, long hours at the office or landline call or a boss that would send people out to find you (assuming you were in town).
This, exactly. I played that one time and never had to worry about it a second time. “Yes, I took two weeks off, but I’m only recording half of it as time off and am recording the rest as time worked, since I did. You still owe me the 2nd week of time and I will be taking it later this month.”
Unless you’re fresh out…
LOL yep, #COTD
“Freshly washed"
I also agree with this sentiment... mostly. Maybe semi-autonomous would be a better thing to do with a car. When you approach a major metropolitan area with horrific traffic, that's when I'd like to sit back and just let it do the driving. Get a lot of "city cars" talking to each other about speed, where it's going to…
And your area was built for that. Sturgis is a small town. All of the surrounding places are small towns. On the years of half-million riders and more the place is a zoo. Sturgis nearly doubles the population of the state during Rally Week. Crashes in those low numbers is quite frankly a miracle.
So, a military and civilian aircraft company (and from what I gather, a fairly successful one) is worth less than half of some barely monetized phone app (ex: Whatsapp, this is not exclusive to them but just one off the top of my head)? Oh, and these are actual physical products that employ thousands of workers to…
and once upon a time our economy depended on agriculture. Economies evolve. Spend wisely. Throwing money at things doesn't solve the problem, just makes CEOs happy watching their wallets get fat.
Spend wisely, not blindly.
Don't forget, that's $100M of 'working' jet fighter vs $137M of "hey, it flies". The entire process of defense spending needs to be overhauled instead of just dumping endless buckets of cash into the trough of defense contractors.