
Or...and hear me out here....arrest the piece of shit for illegal modifications, reckless driving, reckless endangerment, exhibition of speed, racing on a public road, violation of noise ordinances....I mean the list goes on and on and on....go to jail, lose car to impound... Why are we not doing this?  If only there

I also like the Switzerland model where they factor in your earnings when calculating the fine. If this influencer shithead wants to make millions and be a public menace, fine him according to his most recent year’s earnings. 

I think there’s an honest conversation to be had about whether this individual is truly a goofus maloofus or more of a dorkus malorkus.

I am 100% down for this, also you KNOW he is a massive douche canoe by those dumb AF boots alone. Also how about we implement a law like they have in, I think Sweden, when it comes to speeding. If you are caught going double the speed limit the fine is, your car. Doesn’t matter if you own it, you rented it, you

Remember when trolls just stuck to the internet? If this guy did this in my neighborhood I’d put weird lotion on his door handles.

That’s the limited... Did you miss every other new spec that is more off-road oriented? 

Maybe it is time to implement a driving license with restrictions based on age and/or experience, like for motorcycle in Europe, which would limit the power of the vehicle that you are allow to drive.

ok heres the ting take a corner at 35 or 45racing had a blow out sled into the crub hit 2 fents 2 burshes 4 brick and a trash can but anywho now I have a load cam knock it sounds like but I’m not sure my oil pan may have got pushed back alittle so I dont know if my oil pump got damgaed and itsn’t get oil to the top of

I love how acceleration has become a ‘trick’. I’ve spent decades and untold dollars in the pursuit of going faster, as I’m sure many enthusiasts have, and acceleration was kinda the goal. Now these cars show up that will blow the doors off 95% of anything they might come across at a stoplight and suddenly that

This is basically a list of cars that I’d love to have as they are.

This. The copium from people who want a Tesla skin that looks like a muscle car is real. 

Nope. Muscles cars were all about the rumbling / thunderous gasoline combustion engine. You remove all that smell, noise and drama, and it’s not a muscle car anymore. It’s an appliance.

Now playing

Everyone is wrong! The unforgettable fist fight with Rowdy Roddy Piper in THEY LIVE is not just his best scene... it is one of the best scenes in movie history. All that to get a stubborn man to try on sunglasses

Cortana on xbox was the best.  It integrated seamlessly with my cable box for no-remote voice control of channels, volume and other settings.  

Wanna know where Cortana shined? On the old Windows Phone 10 OS. At the time I carried both a Windows Phone and an Android, and Cortana was the only assistant that I could effectively use while driving and she could take commands even when my phone was locked. Google Assistant has gotten better, though I believe there

I enjoyed Cortana, back when it was built into Windows 10. I can’t believe Microsoft caved to the privacy bleaters, while every other tech company just moved forward and ignored them

People have no taste buds and don’t really care about quality food. There is one of these near us in Chicago and we have never been in there because there are at least 4 taquerias within a couple of blocks of it that serve good, cheap, food that is better than anything Taco Bell has ever even tried to make. There are

I never understand this line of reasoning when it comes to Taco Bell. Never once have I wanted Mexican food and considered Taco Bell an option, and never once have I wanted Nachos Bell Grande and tried to get something similar from an actual Mexican place. They’re two different things and scratch two different itches.

And... what’s the point of that? In a genre that’s literally 100% grind, if you’re going to bypass the grind you might as well just close the browser tab and go do something else.