
My opinion is that something horrible happened to Jackie. I don't know if it was a three-hour gang rape by seven guys, as she told RS, or being forced into oral sex by a smaller number, as she originally told her friends. But she's consistently said she was raped by multiple people, she was clearly traumatized, and

Former experienced lead singer here... (of no band you've ever heard of). I worked multiple shows, 2 to 4 sets of 45 minutes, just about every weekend for about eight years.

I don't know a lot about singing (I know nothing about singing), but the turn around, arm waiving motion at 0:55 is definitely a "I'm gonna need A LOT of help with this one, back up singers" motion, right?

Stop with the clut(ter) shaming

Never going back!

You should have used the opportunity to ask random women if they had an extra pad to spare.

For future vasectomy recipients, don't do what I did, and go out drinking the instant you get your clothes back on.

I own all of this and would recommend all of it to basically anyone.

This is my concern

My boyfriend purchased a snake plant for our bedroom. Even though it's not as ideal as an air cleaner, it is extremely low maintenance and we don't need to touch it except once a month or so. It really adds a nice ambience to the room as well. This is the book he got to research the suitability of difference plants

An electric blanket for the cold winter months.

I and my girlfriend simply love lamp FADO from Ikea (…). I put black light bulb in it and connect it via remote controller - one for each of us. It glows fantastic - and blacklight dont disturb sleeping person. Also, with remote conntroller we can shut off/on any light in our bedroom.

The best upgrade I ever got out of my sleep was putting a cat food dish on the far side of the room. No more 3AM notifications from the clawed one that she is up and ready for breakfast, why am I still snoring?

My sunrise alarm honest-to-god changed my life. Not waking up groggy is just one benefit. I got one with full-spectrum light and it made a tangible difference in my winter depression as well. I love it!

Snake plants are beautiful, but not ideal as air cleaners due to their slow growth. That's the part everyone forgets, plants absorb toxins through healthy growth. A peace lilly is a superior plant in it grows faster, as well as later studies by Wolverton showed it absorbs mold spores from the air, sometimes reducing

While I have twice owned said soft-side waterbeds, I would be reluctant to do so again. They are tremendously comfortable, yes...but also prone to splitting and leaks in the bladder. We had many of them... so take that for what it's worth

A Snake Plant

An accommodating nightstand

I'm glad the "real women have curves" trend is dying out. I get that thin people have more privileges than non-thin people, but I never thought it was fair how they were excluded from the positive body image movement just because their bodies are more socially acceptable. I've always believed in promoting self-esteem

Beyonce is wildly overrated.