
People suck...they truly do.

I’m apart of the IBTC as well, and I hated their overly padded bras. Not to mention I had to cut the straps and alter them so that they wouldn’t keep sliding off my shoulders. Why do they make their straps so long anyways?

I’ve always found their items to be cheesy and definitely trying way too hard to be “sexxay.”

Ummm...I hate to tell you guys but racism and racist attacks have been around for awhile. This is nothing new. I was almost attacked by a group of white boys, calling be all kinds of monkey bitches and nigger bitches. Guess who was in office? Bill Clinton. So, why is everyone so hyper vigilant about racism all of

THIS!!! Thye love playing the victim role and blame everone but themselves for their station in life. Afterall, they’re dirt poor because blacks, lesbians, and Mexicans exist. It’s beyond dumb.


They’re not going to fire her, they’re just going to remove her from her post until the firestorm dies down. It’s frustrating because I have zero faith that she will reprimanded. On a side note: I bet she wouldn’t dare say those comments to Michelle’s face. She might be swallowing her entire front row of teeth

Amen to that!

Thank God, a voice of reason. This thread is loaded with ignorant comments. Democrats love blaming others but refuse to look in the mirror at their own mistakes. Democrats preach about love, peace, fairness, etc., but can’t stand the fact that people have the audacity to vote for someone other than their darling HRC.

HRC supporters are even more obnoxious than they were in 2008. In 2008 they were racist and obnoxious, but my God do they take the cake this year. They have no idea how they’re constant bitching, bullying, and shaming actually pushed people away from supporting Clinton.

Thank you! Grow the fuck up already.

Wow, you’re a real mature one aren’t you.

Thank you! I see feminism and supporting female political candidates only matters to Jezebel when it’s the candidate they want. You can’t have it both ways. I find this article and the horrific comments very anti-feminist.

Thank you! They’re too busy looking for someone else to blame for the awful way Hillary ran her campaign. She was cocky, arrogant and just knew she had it in the bag. She overestimated her appeal and underestimated the white male vote, as well as racism in this country.

Exactly! All of this blame Bernie and blame Jill bullshit is nauseating. Grow up! People are allowed to vote for who they want. This is a democracy not a dictatorship. Insulting those who didn’t vote for your candidate is absolutely ridiculous.

Thank you Flow Bee! Finally a smart individual with actual facts that prove WHY Hillary lost.

Wow....reading the condescending vitriol on this thread explains why so many people voted against Hillary or decided not to vote at all. You guys are no better than the Rethuglicans and their brutish response to non-GOP voters. I’m embarrassed to even say that I was a Democrat at this point. Stop your fucking whining,

This we can agree on. A lot of my liberal friends and family stated the same thing. Liberals were very arrogant and thought that there was no way hell that Trump would win. Some were even defiantly stating that Hillary had this election in the bag.

I see black people! And I love it!

The descriptions and reactions to “The View” Halloween costumes are spot on! Why is that show still on anyway? LOL Their costumes were horrible.