
Yea, this looks NOTHING like Storm. Why not just say it was Storm “inspired?”

White privilege at its finest!

Please don’t remind me how low our pay is. LOL

It is amazing to me to see how so-called liberals are very similar to the GOP. Attempting to shame those for voting outside of the GOP and Democratic party. Both parties have proven to be the same as of late, and yet some of you honestly believe that they are different. As a POC, they’re certainly shaping up to be the

Adam Lambert and Laverne Cox in one production? I’m thrilled! If they had thrown Alyssa Edwards in there somewhere, I’d be over the moon. :)

Is anyone surprised about this at all? Why is this information JUST being released? Why not release it earlier in the primaries?

Ordinarily I run far away from Lifetime biopics, but this one looks hella interesting.

This is the worst election season in my lifetime. Gone are the days of enthusiastic voting. What is there to be enthusiastic about? Voting for an absolute, moronic rapist (Yea, like I’d vote for a Republican anyway)....or a woman who uses my people for votes and lies like there’s no tomorrow. Yep, color me enthused.

Trump is not the first and he will not the last politician, celebrity, CEO, etc., to absolutely abhor or detest persons of color. The media expresses outrage for two seconds, yet nothing is done about it. People of color deal with this every day and no one seems to give two shits unless it’s a politician or

I’ve always found Billy Bush to be detestable. He always gave off this rich, white privileged, frat boy demeanor. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were tapes of him making racist and sexist comments. The guy is a douche.

Hey, I’d love to see it. The trailer looks interesting and Natalie seems to do a good job despite the challenge of playing such a well-known character. Side Note: The actor doesn’t have to look EXACTLY like the person they’re portraying.

I agree, I’m with Demi on this one. I don’t see how she was being a “bitch” because she stood up for an issue that many young girls face, and that’s body issues. Why do think so many young girls get implants? To achieve this unrealistic look that women are supposed to have

His face is so punchable.....

If they come into my neighborhood, I can guarantee you that they will be shot.

Facebook is so full of s@#$ I reported the most offensive, racist, disgusting language from some white-owned company in Texas and they claimed that the words weren’t in violation of their rules. But this video gets pulled? I swear, Facebook is owned by the KKK.

Being a black person in America is exhausting! You’re constantly fighting for basic rights....and people wonder why we don’t want to stand and pledge allegiance to a flag that represents a country that constantly finds ways to oppress its citizens. Particularly citizens of African descent.

Jesus Christ, Guiliana is hella thin.

I love history, that’s why I’m in grad school for it. Women love history as well. Aside from being a historian, I’d love to have the talent to sew. Historical fashions are amazing....not comfortable at all but definitely something I’d love to design for Halloween or cosplay.

Being black in this country shouldn’t be so fucking difficult. Why can’t we just be allowed to be?

I still can’t get over how psychotic that lady with the baby looks. She looks totally deranged.