Mystical Cat

Wait, is this the same as Gboard?

This is easily one of the most comprehensive beatings with an ugly stick that I’ve ever seen.

Just when you think we’ve reached peak stupidity...

I want one of those air horns for my motorcycle.

Wouldn’t make any difference for me. I get up early (between 4 and 5) to commute to Mountain View during the week, and there are plenty of days when I leave at 4:30 and 880 is still a shit show. I hate that freeway with the passion of a thousand suns, but alas, there’s not really a better option that doesn’t take me

When I think “luxury sports saloon,” for some reason Maserati never comes to mind. Meh.

Points for no mic drop.

I don’t mind replaying open-world games (I’ve played Fallout 3 and NV many times each) for a couple reasons. 1) I just really enjoy playing Fallout, and 2) I create new characters and play them differently than I did last time, which usually nets a different experience, and I tend to find things I didn’t the last go

Fly it like you stole it.

I’d understand if human beings were required to move the funds, or if the accounts aren’t connected and more hoops needed to be jumped through, but since it’s entirely automated I call BS.

A very valid point. When the freeway is busy I almost always lean way forward to get a better view of what is or isn’t to my left-rear when moving over, and a camera/monitor setup can’t facilitate that. I’m guessing the view would have to be as wide (or wider) than every possible vantage point of a traditional mirror.

Wells Fargo has the shittiest overdraft “protection” scheme ever, which I’ve thankfully never had to use. Let’s say I have $100 in checking and $100 in my linked savings account. If I make a $150 purchase, Wells will automatically move $50 from savings into checking to cover the debit, but also charge $25 for the

I actually got the joke. Well played, sir. Well played.


I can’t believe you sat in that thing without wearing a hazmat suit.

I can’t abide clutter in my car, but man it certainly could use at least a rinse.

I witnessed a similar oddity in the Bayview area of San Francisco a couple weeks ago. We pulled into a Walgreens and on the way in to the store a group late teens/early 20-somethings on dirt bikes mobbed by, followed by a guy on a quad, all sans helmets. My first thought was, in a city where parking and storage comes

What about when you’re already on a trip and decide to stop for coffee? Can you search for and insert the stop into the running trip, or do you still have to take the exit, stop nav so it quits telling you to turn around, then start it up again?

Interesting. I’ve loved the 850 for a really long time, and over the last 16 years or so have occasionally checked around to see where prices are at, and they’ve been hovering between $19K and $21K the entire time. If these things truly are good at only one thing - vacuuming out the owner’s wallet - how has the

No touchscreen will have zero effect. I run Bluestacks on my MacBook Pro and use all sorts of Android apps with the trackpad. Everything works just fine.

No touchscreen will have zero effect. I run Bluestacks on my MacBook Pro and use all sorts of Android apps with the