Mystical Cat

Judge away! Case in point: I’m of the opinion that anyone driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse is a complete douchebro, and any argument against is invalid, and wrong.

The exterior would be perfect if the color transition went a bit deeper.

I find this whole thing baffling. I long ago lost count of how many different brands and types of vehicles I’ve owned and/or driven over the years, and I’ve never, ever had trouble of this nature. From my brother’s 335i with a shifter very similar to this Jeep, down to the biggest piles of rolling shit, and everywhere

From what I understand they get about 8 gas stations to the mile.

I love this charger (I have two) but I wish the lip was thinner so I can flip the lid closed when I’m not using it. #firstworldproblems

I love this charger (I have two) but I wish the lip was thinner so I can flip the lid closed when I’m not using it.

Yep. We have 30-some-odd vouchers and not a damn thing to use them on. I knew they were going to pull a stunt like this.

Depends on whether or not the FTO has the same douchebro requirement.

The book? I hope they throw a rock at him.

The mods are interesting individually, but when viewed as a whole, this truck is a mess.

Wait, what? People actually go to Jiffy Lube?

If you invest that much energy, emotion, and concern over what your neighbors think about your car, you need a therapist, not a fascia.

“when your clip is close to empty”

I wonder why they didn’t say your name during the bit. My long broadcast history makes me think that’s pretty odd.

Not to be confused with truck nuts.

Ugh. What’s with the two soccer balls up front?

The very first conversation should have ended at “Misty.”

Remake, remaster, I don’t care; I’ll buy them all. Hell, I’d buy them all even if they played at 4:3 with PSOne level graphics.

I blame low sales numbers on their ridiculously stupid slogan, Dare Greatly.

Came here for this. For the last year I’ve had one of these cables connected to a 12v USB adapter under my motorcycle’s seat, threaded up the frame, over the motor, up to an X-Grip (phone/device mount) on my handlebars, and it just keeps on working.

Came here for this. For the last year I’ve had one of these cables connected to a 12v USB adapter under my