There are a few things that I get very upset about:
There are a few things that I get very upset about:
Official That Guy™ Comment.
How dare you besmirsh drugs’ good name by comparing them to a Caliber?!?
If Pandora ever expands its catalog (as promised) I’ll jump back on Pandora Plus head first.
the cat would just stare at you until you dumped the food out for them.
No, I don’t have a dog, yes I have a 1 year old, and yes I clicked here to see if I could use it for her...babies are just hairless puppies anyway...
Hey, honey, can I take some photos of you? You’d look so striking down by the river.
You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.
That story literally choked me up. At work. Dick.
I see it more as this - different people have different moral thresholds. If I see something that’s a good deal and someone is just looking to sell it quickly, I’ll bite. If some little old lady is selling her late husband’s car and has no idea what it is, except that it has wheels, then I have utmost respect for the…
I’ve only had one true “barn find” incident in my life personally. I was about 18 years old and worked for JC Penney. During my lunch one summer, I was looking through the Dallas Times Herald’s car classifieds and saw “Old Mercury for Sale. Make offer.” with the phone number. It was late in the day, on a Friday, but I…
Why in the world should any California police departments be lenient on these guidelines? If you’re going more than 50 or doing a differential of 15+ you really REALLY shouldn’t be lane-splitting.
It’s a feature, not a bug. Weight savings, yo. Now excuse me while my VTEC stickers engage my additional 25 hp...
Fewer characters... until now. Damn it.
Punch onto others as they would punch onto you.
But since you asked...
“It just felt like a car designed for people that don’t want a driving experience, just a middle of the line sofa to transport them from point A to point B.”
This is good news. I remember a Google Maps representative in India rejecting my suggested edit on the basis that she knew better than I whether the empty field I was currently standing in was a doctor’s office or not, despite the fact that the Street View photos showed the same open field I was describing.
TSA would never allow it, considering the number of movies that bomb at the box office anymore.
I’ll see myself out.
You picked a good woman to marry, my friend.