HOA or Condo = all of my nope
HOA or Condo = all of my nope
Good thing I have no plans to live in Orange County.
Since it’s relative and/or subjective, there’s nothing an HOA can do to prevent shitty neighbors.
Credit reporting or not, you couldn’t pay me to live in a neighborhood governed by an HOA.
Robey’s version is better in every conceivable way...
Oh look, they actually did manage to legislate away this obnoxious vehicular asshattery. From Wiki:
Kangaroo’s are psychotic, murderous assholes.
Nobody is suggesting they kill the business model. Okay, a lot of people are suggesting they kill the business model, but I think the argument here is that they should be allowed to coexist in the same market. Standing on the sidewalk looking at a Chevy dealer and a Tesla dealer, the average consumer isn’t going to…
Came here to say this, because there is no other beach chair.
Came here to say this, because there is no other beach chair.
The misuse of the word “hack” is, for me, as equally annoying as calling rolling transportation “hoverboards,” and tacking “gate” to the end of a word when noting a scandal.
Here in NorCal it should be called the $1.10 store.
Here in NorCal we call them Douchebros.
Not sure how anyone can defend this lawsuit. To me, allowing it to go forward is as ridiculous as the city in Germany that installed traffic lights in the ground specifically for those too stupid to look up from their phones long enough to not get run over. Spoiler Alert: they absolutely deserve to get run over just…
As a Big Green Egg owner, I can say the one thing that tipped the scale for me is the lifetime warranty on all ceramics against breakage that occurs not due to abuse, and I have tested this.
As a Big Green Egg owner, I can say the one thing that tipped the scale for me is the lifetime warranty on all…
“What the Charter-Time Warner Merger Will Mean For Consumers”
The vehicular asshattery is strong with this one.
Scrub the show already.
I’ll never forget the conversation I had with a Charter rep a few years back. We needed to tighten our financial belt for a while, so I called to turn off the TV part of our service, and when I explained what I wanted the rep said, “You’ll lose the low price you’re paying for internet if you drop the TV service.” I…
All of my nope. To me the 5.0 Capri was better in every way possible, with or without mods.