I’m glad there is an entire generation+ that has no idea how to drive a stick: Built-in theft deterrent without the added expense.
I’m glad there is an entire generation+ that has no idea how to drive a stick: Built-in theft deterrent without the added expense.
This is why I subscribe to The Unbox Brothers channel on YouTube. They do a pretty good job of poking fun at the whole idea of unboxing.
I agree with Tavarish, and therefore you are wrong.
What a train wreck. DTMFA.
I don’t worship celebrity, and I believe putting these people on a pedestal is silly. Having said that, I do admire gifted actors. Having been on stage myself, I can say that it’s not as easy as most people believe it is. Nearly anyone could do take after take until the director’s happy, but put that same person on…
As a Fusion owner, I find this to be all sorts of cool. Ford really did get their shit together.
I always check out deals on battery packs, but can never seem to justify buying one. I have access to power pretty much everywhere I am (home, work, car, motorcycle) so I guess I’m not the right audience for the technology.
I always check out deals on battery packs, but can never seem to justify buying one. I have access to power pretty…
Oh Victory, how I love thee.
Traffic sucks so you recommend the audio equivalent of sticking a rusty fork in my eye. Have you no shame?
Because people like them. What more needs saying?
I love this charger though I wish it was a bit closer to flush because I can’t close the door over the port with it plugged in.
I love this charger though I wish it was a bit closer to flush because I can’t close the door over the port with it…
Meh. Let the rich folks absorb the depreciation so we plebs can have them at steep discounts on the used market.
I’d watch it for sure. I loved SOA (except for the Ireland/Kidnapping season, and the excruciatingly shitty final sequence at the end of the series) so this might be a good time.
That’s an awful lot of work for very little return. My friend Bob Ellison, creator of Cool Edit Pro (now Adobe Audition), always said he never worried about piracy; since those people never would have paid for the software to begin with, he never lost a dime.
Black keys were a thing long before The Black Keys became a thing.
Ummm, you’re on a blog about motorcycles, and this is a story about a motorcycle and its tiny commander. If this topic is of no interest to you, as evidenced by the above comment, I recommend finding and pissing all over a subject in which you have actual fucks to give.
If I’m $220 in for an iPhone accessory I may as well just buy a damn camera.
If I’m $220 in for an iPhone accessory I may as well just buy a damn camera.